CHESS X-ray measurements 11/2007

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In November, 2007 we had a second week of beam time at CHESS in Cornell University. Participating in this run were CHESS staff scientist Ken Finkelstein, and GlueX collaborators Richard Jones, Franz Klein, and Guangliang Yang. We set up a new asymmetric monochromator that expands the beam vertically to about 1.5 cm. The monochromator design is described here. It is dispersion-matched to the diamond 220 reflection. We measured rocking curves for several good diamond crystals (100 microns thick) during this run and demonstrated rocking curve resolution better than 10 μr RMS.

The primary target studied was the type-3 diamond (300 microns) that was loaned to us by BNL. We also took images of a platinum mask at small angle. Those images were used to set the focus on the camera. Once the focus was set, the stored images can be analyzed to determine the length scale and point spread function of the camera. The data are archived at UConn.