CDC prototype drift times

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CDC prototype cosmics data

  • 50/50 mixed Ar, CO2
  • Recalibrated MFCs
  • Outer plenum added to CDC prototype to prevent leaks
  • New pre-production HVB
  • 2100V
  • Modified preamp4 (terminating resistors removed)
  • Prototype tilted at 30o to enclosing scintillators (scints trigger the daq)
  • New timing setup (recording coinc logic signal)

Purple histogram is drift time in tracks through each straw; gray selects tracks through all 3 straws in same column, hit threshold is 5sigma over pedestal

drift times for all tracks and tracks in single column of straws, threshold 5 sigma

hit threshold is 10sigma over pedestal

drift times for all tracks and tracks in single column of straws, threshold 10 sigma

Below: Purple:all tracks through straw, grey: track angle 5degrees or more to vertical, light blue: track angle less than 5^{o} to vertical. Hit threshold 5 sigma over pedestal

drift times for all tracks, tracks angled at 5^o{} or more to vertical and at less than 5^{o} to vertical, threshold 5 sigma