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October 13, 2011 FDC meeting


  1. Production Construction Tracking (Dave)
    • Status
    • First package tests (Lubomir)
  2. Engineering update (Bill)
  3. Electronics update (Chris)
  4. Testing set-up at EEL126 (Beni)
  5. Other


Participants: Eugene, Bill, Dave, Chris, Simon, Beni, Vladimir, Mark, and Lubomir.


- Dave: First package is fully assembled as of yesterday. Now working on the second package. The first cathode (type-3) is ready. Working also at another two cathodes and two end windows together in order to save conductive epoxy. There was a problem with the first wire frame when replacing the HV caps. The first replacement resulted in somewhat elevated leakage currents and it was decided to replace them once more. After the caps were removed it turned out many many of their pads delaminated. We will continue the production with the next wire frame that was already laminated while trying to fix this one. Bill says somebody from the electronics group already fixed delaminated traces on a frame before.

- Lubomir: Full first package running with gas since Wednesday evening. Leakage very low: bubbling at 35 ccpm. Will start testing today evening or on Friday. Valdimir tested the five cells before and found one problem: on one of the newly installed cathodes (type-1) on the top of cell#4, one flex delaminated completely from the cathode. All the conductive tape was on the cathode and nothing on the flex which is not normally what we see; in several cases when we had to remove the rigid-flex from the cathode pieces of conductive tape remain on both sides. The flex was glued again and the cathode installed at the same place. Now with all the six cells in the package Vladimir will test all the planes above and including this cathode since all these were either re-installed or never tested.