GlueX TOF Meeting, September 29, 2011

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Thursday, September 29, 2011
10:00 am EDT
JLab: CEBAF Center, Room F326


  1. Announcements
  2. Minutes from the last meeting
  3. Mechanical design: Tim, Chuck
  4. PMT base design, rates, currents, amplification Beni
  5. Prototype status: Paul, Sascha
  6. Contract Status: Mark



  1. ESNet: 8542553
  2. EVO: EVO site


Talks can be deposited in the directory /group/halld/www/halldweb1/html/talks/2011-3Q on the JLab CUE. This directory is accessible from the web at .



fsu: Paul jlab: Beni, Mark, Chuck

flat section at top

new progress CAEN TDC stops triggering sergey b has not seen it one of the six pmt, signal 15 % strange pulse shape, very broad 110 ps mean time per plane

ian and chuck will talk this afternoon

paper on xp2020

need photoelectons per mev can be measured with mips if tube gain is known