Pre-production prototype HVB

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  • 50/50 mixed Ar, CO2 at 60 sccm
  • Recalibrated MFCs
  • Outer plenum added to CDC prototype to prevent leaks
  • 2050V
  • Modified preamp (preamp4 with terminating resistors removed)
  • Comparison of pre-production modified CDC HVB prototype from manufacturer with modified HVB from Fernando (the two should be identical)

Below: max amplitude histograms (left) and amplitude integrated over 96ns (right) from 55Fe, new prototype HVB, cosmics rejected in software

Max amplitude histo for 55Fe, pre-production prototype HVB
Integrated amplitude histo for 55Fe, pre-production prototype HVB

Below: max amplitude histograms (left) and amplitude integrated over 96ns (right) from 55Fe, Fernando's modified HVB, cosmics rejected in software

Max amplitude histo for 55Fe, Fernando's modified HVB
Integrated amplitude histo for 55Fe, Fernando's modified HVB