LE algo

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Results using Gerard's leading edge algo with CDC prototype, cosmics

  • 50/50 mixed Ar, CO2
  • Recalibrated MFCs
  • Outer plenum added to CDC prototype to prevent leaks
  • New modified HVB
  • 2050V
  • Modified preamp4 (terminating resistors removed)
  • Prototype tilted at 45o to enclosing scintillators (which trigger daq)

The original algorithm is here algo code It takes 50 samples from the ADC data, convolutes them with the filter which I think is the inverse of the filter which the fADC uses when it digitises its input, optionally interpolates 4 extra points between each sample, and returns the first value above a predefined threshold.

Saturated event pics

Below: cosmics with new fADC, preamp4 (top) and newest modified preamp (below). Blue histograms are tracked hits, runtimes were not equal. The fADC range is 0-4096. These are histograms of the first maximum in ADC value for each event, pedestal has been subtracted, maximum must be above threshold. Threshold is pedestal mean + 5sigma. Pedestal mean was approx 100, sigma is 9-12.

Max amplitude histo for cosmics, new fADC, modified HVB, mixed 50/50 at 60 sccm 2050V
Max amplitude histo for cosmics, new fADC, modified HVB, modified preamp, mixed 50/50 at 60 sccm 2050V
Max amplitude histo for cosmics, new fADC, modified HVB, modified preamp, mixed 50/50 at 60 sccm 2050V

Below: threshold pedestal mean + 4sigma

Max amplitude histo for cosmics, new fADC, modified HVB, modified preamp, mixed 50/50 at 60 sccm 2050V

Below: 2100V (threshold pedestal mean + 5sigma)

Max amplitude histo for cosmics, new fADC, modified HVB, modified preamp, mixed 50/50 at 60 sccm 2100V

Earlier new fADC results are on this page: New_fADC_with_cosmics

Below: 55Fe spectra with preamp 4 and Struck ADCs set to half-range, 550mV

Max amplitude histo, 55Fe, 2050V, Struck fADC range 550mV
Max amplitude histo (x-axis expanded), 55Fe, 2050V, Struck fADC range 550mV
Integrated, 96ns, 55Fe, 2050V, Struck fADC range 550mV

Below: 55Fe spectra with newest preamp (preamp4 minus terminating resistors) and Struck ADCs set to full-range, 1.1V

Max amplitude histo, 55Fe, 2050V, Struck fADC range 1.1V
Max amplitude histo (x-axis expanded), 55Fe, 2050V, Struck fADC range 1.1V
Integrated, 96ns, 55Fe, 2050V, Struck fADC range 1.1V

Below: Scope pics with Fe55, preamp4 (left) and preamp5 (right) (preamp5=preamp4 minus terminating resistors), 2050V

Preamp4, Fe55, 2050V
Preamp5, Fe55, 2050V

Below: Scope pics with cosmics, preamp4 (left) and preamp5 (right) (preamp5=preamp4 minus terminating resistors), 2050V

Preamp4, cosmics, 2050V
Preamp5, cosmics, 2050V

Below: Pedestal, mean of samples 0-99 in groups of 100 events, preamp4 (left) and preamp5 (right) (preamp5=preamp4 minus terminating resistors), 2050V

Preamp4, pedestal: mean of samples 0-99 in groups of 100 events, 2050V
Preamp5, pedestal: mean of samples 0-99 in groups of 100 events, 2050V

Below: Pedestal standard deviation of samples 0-99 in groups of 100 events, preamp4 (left) and preamp5 (right) (preamp5=preamp4 minus terminating resistors), 2050V

Preamp4, pedestal: standard deviation of samples 0-99 in groups of 100 events, 2050V
Preamp5, pedestal: standard deviation of samples 0-99 in groups of 100 events, 2050V

Below: Max amplitude histograms fitted for ch6, required > 5 hits but no track, hit threshold is pedestal mean + 5sigma

Preamp4 max amplitude histo ch6 cosmics 2050V
Preamp5 max amplitude histo ch6 cosmics 2050V

Below: Residuals for ch23, 5+ hits, hit threshold is pedestal mean + 5sigma, added 8ns to fitted tzero

Preamp4 residuals ch23 cosmics 2050V
Preamp5 residuals ch23 cosmics 2050V

Below: Residuals for ch23 omitting ch23 from the track-fit, 5+ hits, hit threshold is pedestal mean + 5sigma, added 8ns to fitted tzero

Preamp4 residuals ch23 cosmics 2050V
Preamp5 residuals ch23 cosmics 2050V

Below: Event pictures - fADC values for 49k cosmics events, 2100V, 45degrees - to show that the preamp saturates before the fADC

Events ch22 cosmics 2100V
Events ch22 cosmics 2100V