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March 10, 2011 FDC meeting


  1. Production
    • Production status (David)
    • Readiness review program (Lubomir, Dave, Bill)
  2. Electronics
    • Status (Fernando, Chris)
    • Foil production (Roger)
    • Other
  3. Engineering (Bill, David)
    • Conductive tape soldering
    • New mounting template
    • Other
  4. Chamber testing
    • "Upside-down" tests (Lubomir)
  5. Other


Participants: Bill, Mark, Dave, Chris, Roger, Simon, Glenn, Eugene, Beni, and Lubomir.


- Dave: Today Mark Stevens and Brian Kross were at Blue Crab explaining how to cut the cathode foil. Two cuts were made using bad foils. Tomorrow they will continue with the foil gluing procedure. All the frames were inspected for mechanical tolerances. Two wire frames (out of 31) were out of specs. In one of them the o-ring groove was too deep and Bill wanted to refurbish it. The test PCB ring is ready to be laminated to the wire frame; the tooling for that is ready, as well.

- The readiness review will be on March 31 with Howard Fenker, Eugene Chudakov, Tim Whitlatch, Bruce Lenser, and Brian Kross in the review committee. Bruce wanted to have couple of weeks in advance: the specifications, drawings, and the QA plan. Bill have the assembly drawings ready by the next meeting. Dave has the QA documents. It was not clear what kind of specifications was he interested in; Eugene will talk to Bruce about that. Bill, Dave, and Lubomir discussed tentative agenda: presentations (Overview-Lubomir, Design-Bill, Production-Dave, Recovery procedures-Bill, Tests-Lubomir), Blue Crab visit, and discussions.