Feb 10, 2011 SiPM Electrical and Cooling

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Revision as of 18:32, 11 February 2011 by Elton (Talk | contribs)

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Background information

Action Items from previous meetings

  1. Run his cooling model simulation for the situation when the electronics was turned off (Jim)
  2. Update Npe numbers on dynamic range table to include effect of attenuation length (Elton)

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Schedule, reporting, and manpower (Elton)
  3. First article testing (Carl and Yi)
  4. Mechanical cooling (Jim)
  5. Temperature compensation (Jack)
  6. Preamp-summing (Fernando)
  7. Discussion



  1. Announcements
  2. Schedule, reporting, and manpower (Elton)
  3. First article testing (Carl and Yi)
  4. Mechanical cooling (Jim)
  5. Temperature compensation (Jack) Jack is in Baltimore, but sent the following updates
    1. I have a solution for 3 - 7 C that will keep divider errors within 6% with nominal 1% (EIA-96) resistor values. The error can stay within about 4% if the trim resistors are selected from the 0.5% values (EIA-192).
    2. This solution appears to be also very close for operation at 18 - 22 C but has an offset. This could be compensated for by modifying the Vsupply when operating at the 20 C range.
    3. This approach works for any arbitrary Vbr for a SiPM but imposes a requirement that we group the SiPMs so that the values of the Vbr are within 0.2 V or better. Error drops within 5% if the binning is by 0.1V Vbr steps. I think that may be difficult. Grouping the SiPM devices that share similar Vbr *may* not allow this simpler solution given the number of devices and the number of bias supplies.
    4. I'm now looking more closely at a slightly more complex passive solution that would still require binning the devices by Vbr but could widen the range to perhaps 0.25V or 0.4V. This solution uses a pre-trim divider network to widen the allowable Vsupply. It adds two more resistors to each passive divider (all EIA-96).
    5. The total power consumption would again rise - but only slightly. The trade-off there is power consumption for immunity to count rate gain shifts.
  6. Preamp-summing (Fernando)
  7. Discussion