Feb 11, 2011 Replacement Solenoid

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Items for followup from previous meeting

  1. None

Tentative Agenda

  1. Background (Elton)
  2. Discussion of items Ettore sent via e-mail


Attending: Ettore, Elton, George, Tim, Jonathan, Elliott

  1. Discussion of implication of cable-in-conduit conductor (CICC) choice on infrastructure in four main areas
    1. Power supply. Current ~ 15KA, voltage 5-10 V. (Could existing power supply 3KA/10V be converted to 6KA/5V?)
      • Elton can obtain cost estimates for this power supply
    2. Cryogenic plant
      • Primary circuit: Forced flow He at 4.5K, < 10g/s, ~5-10 bar, pressure drop < 2 bar.
      • Secondary circuit: Deliver intermediate temperature He gas at 20-70 K to HTS vapor cooled current leads
      • Jonathan will investigate feasibility/cost of modifying existing refrigerator or purchasing new to deliver these requirements
    3. High-current HTS (17KA) vapor cooled leads
      • Ettore will provide this information based on Sultan design
    4. Fast protection system (external), with response time of ~0.5 s.
      • Commercial 4 parallel breakers 5KA each (20KA total), 2KV max. Two independent systems for redundancy
      • Ettore will obtain details of these existing systems.
  2. Jonathan will provide details of the cryo plant to Ettore
  3. George mentioned that the G0 CICC conductor may have been operated at reduced pressure and lower current, which may be more compatible with standard JLab operation.