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January 20, 2011 FDC meeting

Tentative Agenda

  1. Production (David)
  2. Electronics (Fernando, Chris, Roger)
    • Rigid-flex assemblies
    • Foil production status
    • Other
  3. Engineering (Bill, David, Lubomir)
  4. Full-scale prototype studies
  5. Other


Participants: Dave, Chris, Simon, Beni, Fernando, Glenn, and Lubomir.


- Dave: there was a walk trough the clean room yesterday with the vendor. The emergency exit door must be sealed better. Glass on the dark room door must be covered. The move in date is postponed to Jan 31. Dave has prepared conduct of operation documents for the clean room.

- New ETC schedule: the full package testing is postponed and squeezed. Fernando: even with the new schedule we may not have the electronics needed for the tests, so we need to have alternative testing procedure.


- Chris sent the first article signal cables back to the company to fix the cable problem.

- We discussed two issues with the rigid-flex assemblies. The thickness of the board is 18-18.5 mils, while it is specified to be 14+/-3 mils. Assuming before a thickness of 22 mils, Bill found this will cause a problem in a region where the connectors from two neighboring cathodes overlap. Bill will have the final word if this will still be a problem with 18.5 mils. The second issue is if we want to have the flex contacts tinned. It is related to the soldering procedure we want to use: conventional soldering, or using conductive tape. Fernando explained to us that the tinning can be done later during the board stuffing, although the tin layer will have different shape. This will give us time to investigate both options. Therefore, everybody agreed to approve the rigid-flex production as it is, i.e. with bare gold contacts. We discussed again the two soldering options. We will do more tests in the coming weeks.

- Fernando: thanks to Glenn the PR for ASIC is now out and we expect the ASICs by the end of May.