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December 16, 2010 FDC meeting

Tentative Agenda

  1. Production (David)
  2. Electronics (Fernando, Chris, Roger)
    • PCB inspection
    • Rigid-flex inspection
    • Cathode foil production
    • Foil inspection report
    • Other
  3. Engineering (Bill, David, Lubomir)
    • Wire stringing table and movement system control
    • Tension measurements [1], [2]
    • Other
  4. Full-scale prototype (Lubomir)
  5. Other


Participants: Bill, Fernando, Mike, Dave, Mark, Chris, Roger, and Lubomir. Mike is our new technician.


- Dave: the clean room will be ready on Jan. 18, but then Jlab will do the wiring (power and internet) inside, which will bring us to the end of January. Right now Dominion Power is working on the power. In the mean time we will get a temporary staging area.

- ETC change request: the package full tests are scheduled to start at the beginning of 2012, but will not have enough electronics for one package until Nov. 2012. At the other hand, the installation is supposed to start at the beginning of 2013. Lubomir will discuss this with Tim.


- Chris: almost all the PCBs were tested channel by channel and all they are holding 2500V. They were cleaned very well. Fernando: the only operation that is needed is to fill the vias that were not sealed, with humiseal or epoxy. The only concern in doing this (Bill) is the thickness of the humiseal that is need; we need to make sure it doesn't interfere with the wires during stringing.

- The first 25 rigid-flex boards have arrived. Fernando and Chris found them acceptable from electrical point of view. Bill will check mechanically how do they fit on the cathodes.

- Roger showed us pictures from the foil production at the Allflex facility. Bill had suggestions how to improve different procedures.

- We discussed the foil inspection report, linked above. Generally, the first article foils are acceptable but we have several remarks and requirements. Bill will work on the document and we will send it to Allflex a.s.a.p.
