Minutes 061120

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Revision as of 12:10, 20 November 2006 by Zisis (Talk | contribs)

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Attendees: Alex (Indiana), Simon, David (JLab), Christine (Athens), George, Blake, Yianna, Zisis (Regina)

  • Blake's Analysis: Blake walked us through his initial analysis on the ADC calibration using the MC. There's a hump at low values (~channel 200) in the individual cell spectra, adding up to a hump in the summed ADC (North and South). This is affecting the MeV/channel calibration. Cutting the hump improves the fits. The problem does not seem to be related to the pedestal subtraction. All these plots are from Run 2334 (our nominal run).
    • Investigate the origin of the hump.
    • Use timing information in this search (Blake).
    • Add VETO to dst ROOT trees (David by end of week).

Useful Links

  1. Beam Test Run Plan
  2. Run Table
  3. GlueX E-Log
  4. Online DAQ Database

Action Items

  1. Pedestals, gain factors, calibration: Tagger/MC approach (Regina), Summed approach (Indiana).
  2. Photon analysis: Blake.
  3. Cosmics analysis: Yianna.
  4. Electron analysis: Christine and Zisis.
  5. Job submission: Blake and David.