Solenoid Coil Test in Test Lab

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Notes and To-Do lists for the 2009/2010/2011 solenoid coil tests


Coil Test Operations

Project Milestones

  • Solenoid Test Milestones, 12 GeV milestones to be tracked by project management office.
    • obsolete at this point, given all the additional work required, lack of manpower, and the many delays


  • George created an overall FastTrack solenoid schedule in M:/halld/solenoid/FastTrack Schedules.
  • Tom worked out a bottoms-up schedule for all coil test tasks.
  • Chuck merged the two and is responsible for maintaining and updating the combined schedule.

System Diagrams and Related Documents

  • George put these in M:/halld/solenoid/Controls.

Notes on Schedule

  • We likely will get use of the QWeak area by Feb 2010.
  • Installation can begin once coil 1 repair/testing is complete, by 15-Apr-2010.
  • Coil 3 at IUCF should be ready about the same time.
  • Coil 2 will be repaired while tests are in progress.
  • Same for coil 4.
  • Critical path item is the cryo can, scheduled for delivery in May 2010. Should be able to go cold one month after delivery.
  • Tom estimates 12 weeks turn-around per coil, with testing completed in Jun 2011. Given the delays in the Hall D building this should not be a problem. If all goes will we may not need that much time per coil.

Top To-Do Items


  • Finish design of system pressure relief system and test relief system - George
    • by 31-Jan-2010
  • Get overall system diagram, P&I, controls strategy to Mark Wissmann - George, Mark S, Scot
    • Mostly done, still need magnet power and machine protection strategy.
    • by 31-Jan-2010
  • Finish design of cryo can cryo/power/control interface - James, Josh
    • by 31-Jan-2010
  • Look into possibility of locating computer in control room (contact Joe Preble, Mark Drury)- Elliott
    • by 31-Jan-2010
  • Statement of work, PO for coil 3 repair work at IUCF - George
    • by 31-Jan-2010
  • Get transportainer and rails from IUCF - Chuck
    • by 31-Jan-2010
  • Preliminary PLC program - Mark W
    • by 31-Jan-2010
  • Complete assembly/installation drawings - Chuck
    • by 31-Jan-2010
  • Get backup controls computer - Elliott
    • by 31-Jan-2010


  • Install power supply in Test Lab - Tom, Mark S, Scot
    • by 28-Feb-2010
  • Install double-door in F117 - Tom
    • by 28-Feb-2010
  • Complete wiring in F117 - Armen, Scot, Mark S, Elliott
    • by 28-Feb-2008
  • Begin testing PLC program in F117 - Mark W, Elliott, Scot, Mark S
    • by 28-Feb-2008
  • Get 5 G field contours for different magnet currents - George, Floyd
    • by 28-Feb-2010
  • Start safety review process - George, Elliott
    • by 28-Feb-2010


  • Complete coil 1 repair work - Kevin
    • by 15-Apr-2010
  • Ship coil 3 from IUCF to JLab - Tom
    • by 30-Apr-2010
  • Begin coil 2 repair - Kevin
    • by 30-Apr-2010


  • Receive and install cryo can - George, Tom
    • by 30-Jun-2010
  • Test controls system - Mark W, Elliott, Scot, Mark S
    • by 30-Jun-2010


  • Complete installation of first coil and begin cooldown - Tom
    • by 15-Jul-2010

Test Area

  • Notes:
    • Area in the test lab is 20'6" x 25'9", currently filled with coils and coil parts.
    • Bob Bennett is Test Lab "space czar."
    • Wayne is designing overall layout.
    • Will use SRF storage area for large power supply (6' x 5', 5' H, 5000 lbs) and switch (QWeak area unavailable).
    • Must maintain clear areas around racks and power supply, and cannot block pedestrian walkways.
    • Platform is 172" x 160", cryo can will sit on top.
    • Platform must be removed to swap coils, and all connections to it must be broken.
    • Area has two 25T cranes, but need both (and strongback) to lift heaviest pieces (up to 45 tons).
    • Only a few dual-crane lifts needed.
    • Need come-alongs and anchors to move yokes and coils along rails.
    • Some areas will need to be roped off due to high B fields (5 G for pacemakers; other limits 60 G 8-hr body, 600 G 8-hr limb).
    • May need to remove some fences.
    • Magnet forces: 5 kG == 1 Atm, scales as square of B field.
    • When done, may leave infrastructure in place for magnet tests for other halls.
    • Coil center located 1/3 of the way along the long axis of our test area.
    • When saturated low field regions extend fairly uniformly around coil center in all directions. When not saturated low field regions extend out mainly along coil axis.
    • Will be able to use QWeak area for staging, coil repairs (29-Oct-2009).

  • To Do:
    • Determine areas to be roped off due to high B field - Floyd, George, Elliott
    • Prepare area for installation - Tom
    • Look into possibility of locating computer in control room (contact Joe Preble, Mark Drury)- Elliott

  • Done:
    • Enable building access for everyone - Elliott - done 19-Jun-2009 (same requirements as access to Cebaf Center)
    • Look into getting space in adjacent areas - George - done 2-Jul-2009
    • Distribute Floyd's B field map for single coil, no cladding, fine scale - George - done 9-Jul-2009
    • Determine location of all components - Wayne - done 29-Jul-2009
    • Determine how far cranes must be apart for dual-lift - George - done 29-Jul-2009
    • Order yoke strongback - George - done 27-Aug-2009
    • Investigate sensitivity of electronic equipment to B fields - Elliott
      • Seems not to be a problem - 1-Dec-2009


  • Notes:
    • Platform borrowed from Hall A.
    • Must be moved to replace coils, 4-point lift.
    • Rails and transportainer currently at IU.
    • Have or can borrow all material moving equipment, or will contract out to rigging firm.
    • Have or can borrow all tools needed.
    • Controls racks coming from from computer center.
    • Need 60 W liquid He, Test Lab supply capable of 500 W, but share with Cryo group.
    • Must account for magnetic forces on all structures, perhaps as much as 20-30 Gauss static B field.
    • Electrical cables must be untouchable to 8 feet above floor.
    • Power supply is Danfysik MPS 854 system 8000 w/power input of 480VAC at 91Amps.
    • Power supplies requires 190 liters/min max at max 174psi, minimum differential pressure 43psi.
    • Found electrical switch so don't have to order one.
    • LN2 can relocated to platform so that we can use short U-tubes.
    • Test lab cryo can supply 3 g/s He.
    • Contact for cryogen supply in the Test Lab is Pete Kushnick.

  • To Do:
    • Produce construction/installation sequence - Chuck
    • Retrieve jack stands and rails from IUCF - Chuck
    • Retrieve transportainer from IUCF - Chuck
    • Install power supply cooling equipment, etc. - Tom
    • Arrange for electrical infrastructure installation - Tom

  • Done
    • Design structures and mechanical components, route cables, etc. - Wayne - done 29-Jul-2009
    • Get three racks from CC - Elliott, Tom - done 26-Oct-2009
    • Determine cryogen supply/return needs - George - done 26-Oct-2009
    • Arrange for cryogen supply/return with Dana Arenius (and Kelly Dixon?)- Tom - done 26-Oct-2009


  • Platform
    • Entire platform and supports will be moved when changing coils.
    • Must account for magnetic forces.
    • Ladder needs to be shortened and straightened.
    • Must include cable trays and strain relief, especially for power connections.
  • Rails
    • Currently in transportainer at IU, George will have a look when he goes out there.
  • Cryo, U-tubes, can and heat exchanger
    • Bids in for cryo can, no contract or delivery date yet.
    • Heat exchanger from Hall A.
    • By moving LN2 can will not need to order U-tubes.
    • Will use Anaconda and borrowed short U-tubes.
  • Piping
    • Not clear where N2 vent will be routed.
    • Must incorporate drip pan under N2 vent due to icing.
    • May be ODH considerations.
  • Electrical power
    • Need to work out where outlets are needed.
  • Power supply
    • Resides in Physics Storage bldg.
    • Uses 3-phase 480 V.
    • 10V supply, 3000 A.
    • Integral dump resistor, must bypass reversing switch when wiring to magnet.
    • Need switch nearby.(c** Look into possibility of locating computer in control room
    • Cables not water-cooled. 1.5" diameter cables, 1" copper.
  • Coils, rings and yokes
    • Buttresses are needed in coil 2.
    • Yoke modifications are needed.
    • Coil repairs will continue through summer 2009.
    • All must be leak-tested again.
    • Spacer rings designed in identical quadrants, two pieces per quadrant.
    • Need to design yoke jack stands.
    • Need to replace PVC-coated controls wiring in all four coils.
  • Controls system
    • Is anything sensitive to B fields?
    • Will wire up as per final four-coil system.
    • Own DIN-mount RS232 module, can borrow power supply and ControlNet module from Steve L.
      • Not needed, will use Point I/O system for RS232 and Ethernet/IP communications adapter.
    • Steve L has 75-Ohm quad-shield RG-6 cable and terminators for ControlNet wiring.
    • Must be careful not to use 50-Ohm components in ControlNet system.
    • Not clear where computer will be located.
    • Should use high-quality color-coded terminal blocks.
    • Should use color-coded wiring, different color schemes for different systems.
    • We will not instrument any thermocouples, but added some Si diodes.
    • Must use appropriate wire (phosphor-bronze?) and wire insulation (Formvar?).
    • Do we need a redundant PLC system?
      • Decision is yes since cost is relatively low and impact high.
    • Need a backup computer for coil test.
    • Decided to use one A-B chassis for two coils.
  • Misc tools, tables, chairs, ladders, etc.
    • What do we need? Can we beg, borrow, and/or steal?

  • To Do:
    • Complete coil 1 repairs and wire replacement - George
    • Reinforce coil 2 windings and replace wiring - George
    • Complete IUCF coil 3 shield and wire replacement - George
    • Replace wire in coil 4 - George
    • Design cryo/electrical interface to cryo can - Josh, James
    • Design pressure relief system for cryostat testing - Josh
    • Design and order vent and other piping - Tom
    • Get heat exchanger from Hall A - Tom
    • Ensure we have all tools needed - Tom
    • Get backup controls computer - Elliott

  • Done
    • Verify we can borrow heat exchanger from Hall A - Mark S - done 2-Jul-2009
    • Determine if sensible to use one PLC chassis per coil - Mark S and Elliott - done 16-Jul-2009, yes!
    • Verify all cryo transfer lines and U-tubes are available on site - Mark S - done 29-Jul-2009
      • Situation changed 28-Aug-2009, may not be able to use Hall C U-tubes!
    • Complete coil 2 stress analysis - George, Floyd - done 20-Aug-2009
    • Borrow short U-tubes and Anaconda - Tom - done 26-Oct-2009
    • Design and order magnet/yoke support components - George - done 29-Oct-2009
    • Order magnet spacer rings - George - done 29-Oct-2009
    • Arrange for yoke modifications - George - done 29-Oct-2009
    • Verify copper/PVC wire will work at LN2 temperatures - Scot - done 1-Nov-2009
      • Will replace all PVC-coated wire in all coils
    • Create complete P&I diagram for Mark W - James, George - done 9-Dec-2009
    • Modify control wiring diagrams - Mark S, Scot, Slava - done 9-Dec-2009
    • Order A-B equipment - Elliott - done 14-Dec-2009
    • Order other controls instrumentation - Scot - done 17-Dec-2009
    • Modify power supply dump resistor wiring - Mark S. - done 7-Jan-2010
      • Not needed, just need to bypass polarity reversing switch
    • Order cryo can - George - done 7-Jan-2010


  • Notes:
    • Mark W will do all programming.
    • Can borrow lots of code from Steve Lassiter and co.
    • Single computer will perform all control and monitoring tasks.
    • Hall D P&I diagram will be the basis for control system design.
    • P&I must include all vessels, valves, instrumentation, etc.
    • Need min/max flow rates, delta-T's, strain gauge readings, etc.
    • Have about one man-week of Steve Lassiter's time for consultation.
    • IMPORTANT - power must be off to carbon composite resistors in He vessel when under vacuum or they will burn out!
    • May use EWEB module to server controls data to web.

  • To Do:
    • Determine min/max flow rates, delta-T's, strain gauge values, etc. - George
    • Determine what needs to be archived and how often - George
    • Set up controls hardware in F117 - Armen, Scot, Mark S, Mark W and Elliott
    • Design and implement full control and archiving system - Mark W
      • Work with Steve Lassiter as appropriate.

  • Done
    • Install new memory in controls computer - Elliott and Mark W - done 6-Jul-2009
    • Borrow code from Steve Lassiter - Mark W - done 9-Jul-2009
    • Purchase new software licenses - Elliott - done 16-Jul-2009 none needed thanks to Steve Lassiter
    • Install all software on controls computer - Mark W - done 16-Jul-2009
    • Renew software update/maintenance contract - Elliott - done 27-Aug-2009
    • Update all software to latest version - Mark W - done 9-Sep-2009
    • Set up in test rack in ARC 101 - Mark W - done 15-Sep-2009
    • Explain overall control strategy to Mark W - George, Mark S, Scot - done 9-Dec-2009


  • Notes:
    • Will instrument controls racks in F117, then move to Test Lab.
    • Armen (Electronics group) will help with wiring in F117.
    • Will instrument for final 4-coil system.

  • To Do:

  • Done
    • Get and move 3 racks into F117 - Tom, Elliott - done 26-Oct-2009
    • Verify adequate staging areas available in Test Lab - Tom - done 29-Oct-2009
    • Rearrange F117 - Scot, Mark S - done 17-Dec-2009


  • Notes:
    • Bob May and Paul Collins are contacts with EHS&Q for safety documentation and reviews
    • Need cryo, electrical, mechanical, and operations reviews.
    • Suresh Chandra responsible for structural review new platform and related components; will use outside consultant.
    • There will be a magnet review in Nov 2009.

  • To Do:
    • Write appropriate documentation - George, Mark S, Tom, Elliott
    • Set up all reviews - George, Elliott

  • Done
    • Mini-review of PLC vendor choice (Report from Omar Garza and Jonathan Creel) - done 15-Jun-2009
    • Write thank-you letter to Jonathan Creel and Omar Garza for participating in PLC vendor review - Elliott - done 24-Jun-2009
    • Contact EH&S group concerning documentation and reviews - Elliott - done 29-Jun-2009


  • Notes:
    • What training do we all need?

  • To Do:
    • Get appropriate training - All
    • Arrange for telephone and networking in test area - Elliott
    • Move controls racks to Test Lab - Mark S, Tom
    • Move computer to Test Lab - Mark W and Elliott
    • Install all components - Mark S, Tom, Scot
    • Hook up controls system - Mark S, Scot, Mark W and Elliott
    • Verify operation of control/archiving system - Mark W, Mark S, Scot, George and Elliott

  • Done

Coil Tests

  • Notes:
    • Purpose:
      • Verify correct operation of all coils.
      • Measure coil strains up to full current (1600 A).
    • Will take about six weeks per coil to install, cool down and test.
    • Only about 1 day of actual measurements per coil.
    • Nitrogen usage for the 300-80 K cooldown is ~18 to 21 g/s
    • 300-80 K cooldown: ~7 to 11 days
    • 80-4 K cooldown: ~2 to 4 days
  • Done
    • Install electronic logbook system - Elliott - done 20-Aug-2009

Coil Test Plan

Note (Nov 17) Flushing out plan in D000000-13-13-P001 Rev A (p. 6 and 7 of document)

  1. Preparations
    1. Connect magnet power leads to power supply
      • NOTE: If testing is interrupted for any reason, the following 4 steps must be completed immediately prior to resumption of testing.
      • Mark Stevens
    2. Cordon magnet test area using initial ANSYS analysis results as a guide to locate ropes. Post hazard signs at all entry locations.
      • Tom Carstens
    3. Remove all loose, ferromagnetic items from the test area
      • Tom Carstens
    4. Set red beacons with 5 Gauss bioelectric device limit at the 3 aisle positions (beacons turn on at 5 Gauss)
      • Personnel: Jennifer Williams ES&H, Tom Carstens. Note beacons have been calibrated to flash at 5 Gauss. Signage?
    5. Ensure LCW to power supply is turned ON
      • Mark Stevens
    6. Set Slew Rate to 0.25 A/s
      • Mark Stevens
    7. Clear all interlocks
      • Magnet operator (Jonathan?)
    8. Zero out the strain gauge readings at zero current. (Calibration in progress of a strain gauge of coil 2 @LN2 temp)
      • Mark Wissmann
    9. At HMI, set axial Heim column force limit to ±10,OOO Ib and radial Heim column force limit to ±7500 Ib
      • NOTE: At all current settings below, monitor the Radial Heim Column loads for evidence of radial offset of the coil center from the yoke center. Compare axial Heim Column forces to the table of expected force vs. current.
      • George Biallas to generate table of forces.
    10. Check slew rate
    11. Ramp magnet to 5 A for each of checked items below
      • Check interlocks via checklist
      • Behavior of interlocks at low current?
    12. Using field probe, check the Bfield at several locations to verify expected magnitude and direction. If necessary, adjust 5 Gauss, bioelectric device boundaries as necessary to match MEASURED field.
    13. Set magnet current to 0 A, wait for 0 A indication
  2. Check turn-to-turn shorts
    1. Check DAQ and data format
    2. Check if data is ok, if not reset and ramp up to 50 A.
  3. Ramp to 50 A, repeat field probe measurement and, if necessary, adjust personnel boundaries.
    1. Perform checkout of slow and fast interlock circuits with - DO NOT EXCEED 50 A.
      • Use checklist
    2. Repeat field probe measurement and, if necessary, adjust personnel boundaries
    3. Ramp to 0 A, wait for 0 A indication
  4. Testing to high currents
    1. Set ramp rate to 1.8 Amps/Sec
    2. Test for turn-to-turn shorts - do not exceed 100 A.
    3. Perform a sweep of the test area to locate and remove any ferromagnetic materials
    4. Ramp to 1000 A in steps of 100 A, repeating field probe measurement and adjusting 5 G boundaries at each step.
      • Record a screenshot of stabilized strain/force values at each step
    5. Repeat field probe measurement and, if necessary, adjust personnel boundaries
    6. Gradually ramp the current up to 1500 A. The steps should be 50 A with a pause of 10 minutes at each step.
      • Watch carefully for indication of force reversals above 1000 A
      • Record a screenshot of stabilized strain/force values at each step
      • Repeat field probe measurement at each step and adjust personnel boundaries as required
    7. Set magnet current to 0 A, wait for 0 A indication
    8. Ramp to 1500 A
    9. Trip a fast dump

Suggestions for coil 1 test OSP (Eugene)

  1. Set the measurement of the
    • current through the power supply (I, accuracy 0.1A)
    • the voltage on the power supply (U, accuracy 10 mV)
    • the induced voltage on flux coil (V, accuracy 10 microV)
    • the longitudinal magnetic field at the center (B, accuracy 0.1 mT)
    • All measurements sampling rate of >10Hz.
  2. Ramp up the current at <0.3 A/s, to 10 A. Stay at 10 A. The expected 5 G contour is at about 2 m from the coil center. The walkways should be briefly blocked, the field measured in order to make sure they are below 5 G.
  3. Analyze the ratio of B/I for the time interval of about 3 min (I would like to take part in it).
    • Deviations from B/I=const indicate a short.
    • Check for deviations of (dI/dt)/V for indication of short.
    • If a short is indicated - stop the current for awhile. Convey a meeting in order to assess the risks. A possible path forward is to proceed with the test with a lower ramping speed and leveling the current every 30 s, or so.
  4. If no short is indicated - proceed to 150A. Analyze the results:
    • B/I, U in order to make sure that we understand the performance.
    • The field at the center should be about 0.14 T.
    • The expected 5 G contour is at about 3 m from the coil center.
    • The walkways should be blocked till the field is measured, the closest ones would probably show >5 G.
    • Measure the magnetic field in the area including the accelerator shielded room.
    • Analyze the strain gauges measurements.
  5. Discuss the results before proceeding to the 1500 A, or lower current depending on the limitation from the accelerator cavity equipment.
    • If the results for 150 A are well understood - go ahead with about 150 A steps, stopping at each step and analyzing the results.

Personnel for Tests