BCAL Beam Test Plots, November 20, 2006

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Revision as of 19:29, 19 November 2006 by Leverinb (Talk | contribs)

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First go

  • Gain Correction:
    1. Establish the means of each cell in the Monte Carlo and find the ratio wrt MC Cell 8 over whole tagger spectra
    2. Find the current ratio of each ADC in the beamtest data wrt to North 8
    3. Correct the ADC ratio to match the Monte Carlo Ratios
      • The ratio of MC Cell 8 to North 8 defines the MeV/Channel
North 7
North 8
North 9
North 12
{\frac  {MC8}{North8}}=0.018{\frac  {MeV}{Channel}}

How does this look over the entire tagger spectrum?
Energysum 1.gif

The 0.151 MeV/Ch is for a tagger photon (digregard this). The others are for energy deposit in the scintillator.

What if we look at MC 8 vs North 8 with Tagger Energy cuts?
North8 300<Ephoton<400
MC8 300<Ephoton<400
({\frac  {MC8}{North8}})_{{300<Ephoton<400}}=0.0177{\frac  {MeV}{Channel}}

North8 500<Ephoton<600
MC8 500<Ephoton<600
({\frac  {MC8}{North8}})_{{500<Ephoton<600}}=0.0165{\frac  {MeV}{Channel}}

  • Very Strange: Apparent Energy Dependence


How do we see what's going on?
  1. Cuts: Trig==8 (MOR and BCal OR), Nphotons==1
    • Possibly there are e+e-, maybe. Need to check the veto but it doesn't seem to be in the Root Trees
    1. Cut out the lower hump from the ADC sum.
ADCsum South 200<Ephoton<300
ADCsum South 300<Ephoton<400
ADCsum South 500<Ephoton<600

  • This seems to remove the "junk" from the left of the spectra, and will flatten out the MC8/North8 ratio. But what is the "junk?
North8 junk 300to400.gif
  • -This has a 2% or more effect on the mean for 300<Ephoton<400. Probably much larger effect for the lower energies.

  • Compare North 8 over all spectra when cutting on adcsumN > Ch1000 ~ 140MeV to previous
with cut
{\frac  {MC8}{North8}}=0.0167{\frac  {MeV}{Channel}}

Energysum 2.gif
Using the new gain factors and scale factors. Looks reasonably closer except for the excess at the front of the spectra. I expect this is the contribution of the electrons or whatnot, the "junk", that we need to cut out.