List of changes since the 2006 HallD Tagging Spectrometer and Photon Beamline Review

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In January 2006 the lab held an external review of the Hall D Tagging Spectrometer and Beam Line. The list below represents an attempt to collect in one place all of the changes to the tagger and photon beam line that have taken place since then, up until the PAC report in summer 2010.

  1. electron beam dump -- in 2006 the electron beam dump was located in an out-building that was connected to the tagger hall by a buried beam pipe. The present civil design now has the electron beam dump located in the tagger hall, which has been extended in the south-east direction to accommodate it.
  2. electron beam emittance -- in 2006 the horizontal emittance of the 12 GeV electron beam predicted by ray-tracing simulations was 1\cdot 10^{{-8}} m-r. Since then, a bug in the simulation was corrected, leading to a reduced estimate of Failed to parse (unknown function '\lf'): {\lf 5\cot 10^{-9}}