Offline Software Progress since 2005

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List of items for Curtis's PAC report.

CM's original list

from his email:

   Offline Reconstriction:
    Full reconstruction now possible.
    Tracking via Runge-Kutta fits and via Kalmann Filter.
    Calorimeter Reconstruction works.
    Global Event reconstruction works.
    Areas of work: Hadronic Split offs, PID, ....

Collected Ideas

Since the 2006 PAC presentation significant progress has been made on the offline software including:

  • GEANT-based ab initio simulation has been refined and used for numerous MC studies that have led to improvements in the detector design. Improvements include:
    • Realistic detector resolutions
    • Inclusion of EM background generation
    • Realistic threshold and dark rate values for calorimeter reconstruction
    • Realistic, position dependent drift time resolution based on CDC prototype data
    • Lorentz deflection of avalanche position on FDC wires (GARFIELD calculation)
    • Double hit merging
    • PYTHIA-based event generator for realistic hadronic background simulation
  • MCFAST-based parametric simulation replaced with HDParSim that incorporated resolutions and efficiencies derived from GEANT-based simulation and full reconstruction
  • Better simulation of backgrounds led to more accurate determination of event size (increased by factor of 3!)
  • Full event reconstruction using simulated data. Having a full reconstruction package in place allows us to:
    • Identify issues not often identified prior to data taken (e.g. hadronic splitoffs in high multiplicity events)
    • Better estimate compute resources that will be required for offline analysis
  • PWA software development using GPUs
  • Kinematic fitting package that was developed outside of GlueX integrated into our source repository
  • Kaman filter based charged particle tracking
  • Multi-threaded event processing framework