Transition to JANA2

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Transition to JANA2

This page will document the transition of the GlueX software stack from JANA1 to JANA2.

Useful Links

Discussion Points

  • How do we treat halld_sim and hdgeant4 developments for previous run periods? Can we patch old halld_recon versions?


Prerequisite Tests

  • Objects: hd_dump
    • DTrackTimeBased
    • DTrackWireBased
    • DBCALShower
    • DVertex
    • DChargedTrack
  • Plugins: hd_root
    • monitoring_hists
hd_root -PPLUGINS=monitoring_hists /cache/halld/RunPeriod-2017-01/rawdata/Run030300/hd_rawdata_030300_000.evio
    • occupancy_online
hd_root -PPLUGINS=occupancy_online /cache/halld/RunPeriod-2017-01/rawdata/Run030300/hd_rawdata_030300_000.evio
    • danarest
hd_root -PPLUGINS=danarest /cache/halld/RunPeriod-2017-01/rawdata/Run030300/hd_rawdata_030300_000.evio
    • p2pi_hists, p3pi_hists: Output histograms can be checked with macros HistMacro_p2pi.C, HistMacro_p3pi.C
hd_root -PPLUGINS=p2pi_hists,p3pi_hists /cache/halld/RunPeriod-2017-01/rawdata/Run030300/hd_rawdata_030300_000.evio
hd_root --config=/group/halld/www/halldweb/html/talks/2024/jana2/jana_test.config /cache/halld/RunPeriod-2017-01/rawdata/Run030300/hd_rawdata_030300_000.evio
    • mcthrown_tree (for MC)

Additional Tests

Benchmarking Results

JANA2 benchmark.png


hdgeant4 models the measurements (detector hits) produced by a generator. It is steered by a file in the local directory and converts the generated hddm file. When and input file are present in the local directory, simply execute




The same input and that was used for hdgeant4 can also be used for hdgeant(3):



mcsmear models the detector resolution to match the MC simulation results with actual measurements. It can use this input file and can be executed by

mcsmear gen_amp_030730_000_geant4.hddm

b1pi test

The b1pi test runs the full simulation and reconstruction chain for

gamma p -> p X
             X -> b1 pi-
                  b1 -> omega pi+
                        omega -> pi+ pi- pi0

Usage: [-n <number of events>] [-t <number of threads>] [-r <run number>]\
   [-v <vertex string>] [-d <b1pi_test script directory>]

The script performs these steps:

  1. genr8: Event generator, part of the halld_sim repository, output: b1_pi.ascii
  2. genr8_2_hddm: Convert output of genr8 to hddm file, in halld_sim repository, output: b1_pi.hddm
  3. hdgeant4: Running simulation with geant4, output: hdgeant4.hddm
  4. mcsmear: Adding detector effects to simulation, part of halld_sim repo, output: hdgeant_smeared.hddm
  5. hd_root with danarest plugin: Runnning reconstruction, part of halld_recon, output: dana_rest.hddm
  6. hd_root with b1pi_hists, monitoring_hists plugins: Analysis, part of halld_recon, output: hd_root.root
  7. root mk_pics.C: create plots and save them as pdf and gif


 source /group/halld/Software/build_scripts/
 gxenv /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/halld_versions/version_5.21.1_jana2.xml
 export B1PI_TEST_DIR=/group/halld/Software/hd_utilities/b1pi_test/
 export SEED=123
 export JANA_CALIB_CONTEXT="variation=mc"
 $B1PI_TEST_DIR/ -n 10000 -r 30480 -4