GlueX Winter 2024 Collaboration Meeting
February 21-23, 2024 Hybrid
The GlueX Collaboration Meeting will be held jointly online and in person at Florida State University.
To connect to the meeting, please go to the listing of Zoom meetings on the private Wiki and select the GlueX/Hall D Biweekly Meeting link at the top of the list.
For remote participation from JLab we reserved the following rooms in CEBAF Center:
- Wed: 1:30pm - 6pm F326-327
- Thu: 9am - 6pm F224-225
- Fri: 9am - 5pm F326-327
Please register for the meeting using this link. Note that there is a $30 registration fee for in-person participants to offset the cost of refreshments for breaks.
Travel Logistics
The in-person session will be hosted at Florida State University. It is recommended to make travel arrangements well in advance. The meeting is during the Florida state legislative session which can place some demand on travel infrastructure.
Special Events
The meeting will be immediately preceded by a Workshop on Polarized Target Studies with Real Photons in Hall D, which will take place on Wednesday morning.
Wednesday, February 21
- Session I: Overview and Collaboration Business (Chair: Justin Stevens)
- 13:30 (10+5): Opening Remarks (Matt Shepherd)
- 13:45 (20+5): Hall D Status Report (Eugene Chudakov)
- 14:10 (15+5): Report from the Collaboration Board (Naomi Jarvis)
- 14:30 (20+5): Status of Charged Pion Polarizability Reconstruction and Analysis (Albert Fabrizi)
- 14:55 (20+5): Summary of Production, Monitoring, and Calibration Activities (Naomi Jarvis)
- 15:25 - 15:50: Coffee Break
- Session II: Engineering and FCAL2 (Chair: Eugene Chudakov)
- 15:50 (20+5): Hall D Engineering Overview (Tim Whitlatch)
- 16:15 (20+5): FCAL Assembly (Malte Albrecht)
- 16:40 (20+5): ECAL Assembly (Sasha Somov)
- 17:05 (20+5): FCAL2 Software and Analysis (Simon Taylor)
- 17:30 (15+5): Tracking and Alignment Update (Simon Taylor)
Thursday, February 22
- Session I: Software and Analysis (Chair: Malte Albrecht)
- 9:00 (20+5): Software Report / Summary of SciComp Review (Alex Austregesilo)
- 9:25 (20+5): Status of Hydra (Torri Jeske)
- 9:50 (20+5): Report from the Physics Coordinator (Sean Dobbs)
- 10:15 (15+5): η Cross Section (Jon Zarling) [Analysis Summary]
- 10:35 - 11:00: Coffee Break
- Session II: Cross Sections (Chair: Sean Dobbs)
- 11:00 (20+5): φ η (Darius Darulis)
- 11:25 (20+5): Ξ Analyses (Jesse Hernandez/Volker Crede) [Analysis Summary]
- 11:50 (15+5): γ p → η'KΛ (Matt Shepherd)
- 12:10 - 13:30: Lunch
- Session III: Amplitude Analysis (Chair: Volker Crede)
- 13:30 (20+5): ω Dalitz Plot Analysis (Saheli Rakshit/Volker Crede)
- 13:55 (20+5): η'→ ηππ Dalitz Plot Analysis (Olga Cortes)
- 14:20 (20+5): Λ(1405) Poles and Branching Fractions (Reinhard Schumacher) [Analysis Summary]
- 14:45 (30+5): Ambiguities in 2 Pseudoscalar and Vector Pseudoscalar (Edmundo Barriga, Jiawei Guo, Kevin Scheuer)
- 15:20 - 15:40: Coffee Break
- Session IV: Amplitude Analysis and Beam Asymmetries (Chair: Naomi Jarvis)
- 15:40 (20+5): a2 Cross section (Malte)
- 16:05 (20+5): Non-parametric PWA (Lawrence)
- 16:30 (20+5): Polarized Moments (Boris Grube)
- 16:55 (20+5): η Beam Asymmetry (Tolga Erbora)
- 17:20 (20+5): η’ Beam Asymmetry (Churamani Paudel)
Friday, February 23
- Session I: Cross Sections (Chair: Simon Taylor)
- 09:00 (20+5): Cross Section Systematics (Justin Stevens)
- 09:25 (20+5): f1(1285) (Tyler Viducic) [Analysis Summary]
- 09:50 (15+5): f1(1420) (Daniel Barton)
- 10:10 (20+5): K+K-π0 Analysis (Mike Dugger)
- 10:35 - 10:55: Coffee Break
- Session II: Amplitude Analysis (Chair: Alex Austregesilo)
- 10:55 (20+5): Δ++ SDMEs (Farah Afzal)
- 11:20 (20+5): ωπ-Δ++ Amplitude Analysis (Amy Schertz) - Analysis Summary
- 11:45 (20+5): ωπ0 (Kevin Scheuer)
- 12:10 - 13:30: Lunch
- Session III: Future Plans (Chair: Matt Shepherd)
- 13:30 (25+5): Summary of Polarized Target Workshop and Beam Polarization Proposal (Mark Dalton)
- 14:00 (20+5): Charmonium in future GlueX running and Gravitational Form Factors (Lubomir Pentchev)
- 14:25 (20): [Open/Discussion of GlueX-III Proposal]
- 14:45 - 15:15: Coffee Break
- Session IV: Cross Sections (Chair: Sean Dobbs)
- 15:15 (20+5): Towards understanding the physics behind the γ4He → η 4He process(es) (Igal Jaeglé)
- 15:40 (20+5): Extracting the η → γ γ yields in the γ4He → η 4He process(es) (Drew Smith)
- 16:05: Closing Remarks