Baby BCAL at JLab
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This page is intended to summarize JLab work with the baby BCAL in 2023 for the EPIC (EIC) Barrel EM Calorimeter
Note that we agreed to use the name "Baby BCAL" in June 2023. Previously one may encounter use of the name "mini BCAL" as well.
Photos & Sketches
March 2023 Beam Tests
Goals and Hall D PS Setup
Logbook Entries
- First look at mini BCAL data (3/7/23)
- Repositioning of SciGlass (3/18/23)
- Repositioning of mini BCAL and raw mode run log (3/19/23)
- Quick sketch of final mini BCAL position (3/28/23)
Run Log
- Raw Mode
Cosmic Tests, started August 2023
We attempted to use as close to the same configuration as in March 2023 as possible. Below is a list of cabling and configurations.
Note: North=Downstream, South=Upstream. These are now arbitrary labels. Downstream/north is located closer to the collimator cave, and upstream/south is located closer to the solenoid.
Photos (Google Drive)
See here:
SiPM Modules
- Used upstream & downstream modules 49 in their corresponding up/down sides (as labeled on baby BCAL)
- Upstream module plugged into J7, downstream into J8 to match March 2023 config.
- Standard LV=5 V setting for low voltage power to modules
- Upstream bias voltage = 75 V, downstream bias voltage = 74 V (to match start of March 2023 conditions). See logbook entry for later voltage settings:
- Scripts to turn bias and LV on/off can be found on gluon machines at: /gluonfs1/home/hdops/bcal_cosmic/august2023/
- Cabling: same as March 2023. Lemo cables labeled AS0-AS15 and AN0-AN15. These are plugged into crate U1-7-TOP (crate number 94 in software). Slot 7 is north, slot 8 is south (indexes 0-15 in slot match A(S/N)0-15).
- Analysis plugin on JLab farm: /home/jzarling/work/HALLD_MY/miniBCAL_EIC/ and /work/HALLD_MY/miniBCAL_EIC_RawMode/
- Analysis plugin on gluon machines: /gluonfs1/home/hdops/bcal_cosmic/babyBCAL_EIC
- Occupancy check: use script run_on_testfile and run number (e.g.
./run_on_testfile 121050
in the same folder as the plugin. This will run the plugin and create two png files in the same directory with occupancies for each channel.
- Occupancy check: use script run_on_testfile and run number (e.g.
- First Look at Calibrated BCAL