HOWTO run an analysis launch on bggen simulations

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Revision as of 15:22, 23 January 2023 by Gabyrod (Talk | contribs) (Prepare the Launch)

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Setup the Software & Environment

1) Checkout (or git pull) the launch scripts if needed:

2) You will need only the following 3 files:

3) Make a new jana_analysis.config with your channel:

PLUGINS monitoring_hists,ReactionFilter
Reaction1  1_14__8_9_14                 # pi+ pi- p
Reaction1:Flags B4

Prepare the Launch

1) Update jobs_analysis_bggen.config. Be sure to update the location for the SCRIPTFILE, JANA_CONFIG (jana_analysis.config above), and ENVFILE where appropriate. The xml file that was used for the analysis launch for data should be chosen:

ENVFILE                analysis-2017_01-ver46.xml

2) Also update the paths for INDATA_TOPDIR, OUTDIR_LARGE (for trees and histograms), and OUTDIR_SMALL (for log files):

INDATA_TOPDIR    /mss/halld/gluex_simulations/REQUESTED_MC/F2018_ver02_21_bggen_batch01_20211104064237pm/hddm
OUTDIR_LARGE     /volatile/halld/home/$USER/bggen
OUTDIR_SMALL     /farm_out/$USER/bggen

3) Create the SWIF workflow. The workflow must match the workflow name in the job config file:

swif2 create -workflow <my_workflow>

4) Register jobs for the workflow:

~/monitoring/launch/ jobs_analysis_bggen.config <run_min> <run_max>

5) Run the workflow:

swif2 run -workflow <my_workflow>

Generated bggen samples

Large bggen samples have been generated for common use and can be found here.