Run Planning Meeting Notes, July 21- July 27, 2022

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Revision as of 07:59, 22 July 2022 by Miskimen (Talk | contribs) (Past 24 hours)

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Back to Run Coordination Meetings:Summer2022

Meeting are via ZoomGov: connect (Meeting ID: 160 199 0060 / Passcode 8394)

MCC whiteboard

Hall D counting room white board

Spreadsheet with list of runs

Friday July 22

Past 24 hours

  • Data taking on empty target, approx 2.1 B triggers in the past 24 hours
  • Priority for beam delivery shifts to Hall D today

Shift Reports



  • Continue data taking on empty target until ~ 17:00 today, then switch to full target for running over the weekend

Thursday July 21

Past 24 hours

  • ROCFDC11 Slot 19 FADC125 (possibly?) repaired
  • Solenoid final ramp to 1350 A ~ 5:00 AM
  • Beam returns ~ 5:00 AM
  • Harp scans
  • Start data taking on empty target ~ 6:00 AM

Shift Reports



  • Continue data taking on empty target