CPP DAQ/Monitoring Test Spring 2022

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These are plans for some short tests to be done prior to the start of data taking to establish that the DAQ and online monitoring systems are configured and working properly. This will be done in 2 parts:

  1. DAQ Cosmic test: This will exercise the full DAQ and online monitoring systems using cosmic rays. It will ensure all detectors are being read out and that the data is being both stored properly on tape and passed through the online monitoring system.
  2. Online Monitoring High Rate Test: This will pass raw data files through the monitoring system at high rate to ensure the online monitoring is working and that the new plugins function properly under high rate.


Important dates

  • Mon. May 9 : AI/ML models trained and installed on gluons (Andrew, Nikhil, David)
  • Tue. May 10 : Drift Chamber Atmospheric Pressure Alarm active (Naomi, David, Hovanes)
  • Thu. May 12 : FMWPC_online, and FMWPC_performance production histos and macros in GitHub (all)
  • Fri. May 13 : AIEC run-sync'd HV control tested (Thomas, David)
  • Mon. May 16 : halld_recon updated and plugins built (Alex)
  • Tue. May 17 : DAQ Cosmic Test starts (let run until 5/19 or 5/20)
  • Fri. May 20 : Online Monitoring High Rate Test
  • Mon. May 23 : GlueX - software/analysis tutorial for students
  • Tue. May 24 : GlueX - Collaboration meeting starts (ends 5/26)
  • Mon. Jun 6 : CPP run starts

DAQ Cosmic Test configuration: May 17

  1. Use the standard DAQ configuration for CPP.
  2. Solenoid OFF
  4. Trigger: TOF, CTOF, BCAL-cosmic
  5. Online monitoring, HOSS, and Incoming Data systems active
  6. AIEC CDC dynamic control active (fully automated, not run-sync'd)
  7. Establish run and allow to continue for ~2-3 days in order to gather large cosmic data set

Online Monitoring High Rate Test configuration: May 20

  1. DAQ system OFF (data will come from pre-existing files)
    •  ?? Can we start DAQ but pause run and feed from file into DAQ's ET system??
  2. Online monitoring, HOSS active*
    • HOSS configuration modified to write data files to scratch directories on RAID so they do not get transferred to tape
  3. Run in high rate mode for 2-4 hours to ensure operation for normal run duration