Kinematic Fitting Workshop 2021
About the Workshop
Kinematic fitting is one of the most important tools for analyzing data in hadron physics. This workshop will give an overview about the basic concepts of kinematic fitting, and how this is used in GlueX analysis. The following topics are covered amongst other things:
- Mathematical background of kinematic fitting
- Diagnostic tools
- Implementation in GlueX data analysis
Location and Time
The workshop will take place at:
DATES: Friday, Oct. 22, 2021
LOCATION: ONLINE. (add Zoom link)
- Basic knowledge in linear algebra
- Understand core principles of least squares minimization with constraints
- Familiar with ROOT data analysis
Workshop Software
The official software and all scripts used during the tutorial can be found on the JLab CUE:
To obtain your own version of the tutorial and complete the exercises, please clone it from GitHub in your own working area. (Everything should be uploaded here]
Please add your name to the list of attendees below. No formal registration or registration fee is required.
Name | Home Institution | Level |
Sean Dobbs | FSU | Faculty |
Igal Jaegle | jlab | postdoc |
Lawrence Ng | FSU | Graduate Student |
Phoebe Sharp | GWU | Graduate Student |
Tolga Erbora | FIU | Graduate Student |
Gabriel Rodríguez Linera | FSU | Graduate Student |
Remote Participation
This will be done via Zoom - more information to come.
Workshop Agenda
- 09:50 - Lecture (130)
- 09:50 - Welcome and overview (10) - Sean Dobbs
- 10:00 - Data analysis in hadron physics and introduction to kinematic fitting (60) - Daniel Lersch
- 11:00 - Implementing and diagnosing the kinematic fit algorithm (60) - Daniel Lersch
- 12:00 - Break (60)
- 13:00 - Hands-on Session
- 4-5 Exercises with discussion
- 17:00 - Adjourn