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FDC Weekly Meeting

Date: October 16, 2008

Participants: Daniel, Simon, Brian, Bill, Fernando, Mark I., Beni, Herun, Micah, Eugene, Mark S.

Next Meeting: October 23, 2008 @ 1:30 p.m.

Full-Scale Prototype Updates

 - Procurements:
    * Roger has not finished the design work for the cathode rigid-flex 
      assemblies.  We should aim to complete this work by the end of Oct.
      and submit the PR.  We also need to work out a plan for stuffing
      these boards.  Before the design work is considered done, Fernando
      will be responsible for double-checking and blessing it.
    * Kim has placed the FDC full-scale prototype procurement spreadsheet 
      on the mdrive.
      * Location: M Drive/halld/Electronics, or for more sophisticated folks, 
      * Folks should fill it out in the given format.
    * FDC wire order.  Brian indicated that Little Falls will meet our 
      specifications for the CuBe wire and that CFW will meet our specs 
      (except for the temper requirement) for our W wire.  However, DSC does
      not have a temper spec for the W wire.  He talked to Steve Christo
      after the meeting and he said that no temper spec is required for the
      tungsten.  This point should be clarified.
    * G10 ring order status:
      * Brian has received information about the G10 thickness tolerance.
        The manufacturer claims +/- 6 mils, but our measurements show that
        it is half of this and more like +/-2 mils.
      * We need to make a decision on whether we will work with the
        supplier to preselect sheets or whether we will over order, building
        in a waste factor.  We still need to finalize how many sheets will
        be needed for the full-scale prototype.  These decisions are
        converging and we would like to be able to complete the PR in about
        1 week.
      * The G10 order should include all pieces necessary for all wire
        frames, cathode frames, gas windows, etc.
      * Bad new is that the turn-around time for the G10 order is 3 to 4
        weeks.  Ugh.
    * 110IG Rohacell order status:
      * Bill and Mark have found that over all of our 110IG samples, the
        thickness variation is +/- 7 mils.  However, a given piece or
        sheet is closer to +/- 2 mils.  
      * We need to make a decision on whether we will work with the
        supplier to preselect sheets or whether we will over order, building
        in a waste factor.  We still need to finalize how many sheets will
        be needed for the full-scale prototype.  These decisions are
        converging and we would like to be able to complete the PR in about
        1 week.
      * The Rohacell order should include all pieces necessary for all wire
        frames, cathode frames, gas windows, etc.
      * The turn-around time for delivery is less than 2 weeks.
 - Storage: Kim had been amassing boxes of FDC-related components in her
   area.  She will bring the boxes over to Simon for storage in F117 tomorrow.  
   She has prepared lists of what is included in each box so that we can keep
   this information organized.
 - Bill is working to put the local HV connectors selected by Fernando into 
   the 3D CAD model and to detail how they will be attached (as they are 
   quite massive).  We will get an update on this shortly, but it is not now
   a high priority.

Wire Frame Construction

 - We have settled on a thickness tolerance for the wire frame of 8 mils to 
   match the thickness tolerance for the cathode frames.
   * Bill has been working on gathering together all of the measurements
     and tolerances into a complete document.
   * We do not think that it will be practical in terms of time to machine
     the combined G10 skin + Rohacell core to height.  This will be another 
     branch of R&D that we will not consider and try our best to work with 
     what we have to meet tolerances on the wire frame thickness. NOTE: after
     the meeting, Bill talked with Casey and he believes that he can machine
     the G10, epoxy, Rohacell laminate to a tolerance of +/- 2 mils.  All that
     would have to happen is to modify our aluminum jig plate to enable it to
     work with our vacuum bagging system.  This sounds attractive and the price
     is under $1.5k.  We will talk more about this over the next couple of days.
   * Bill and Mark have laminated together the six solder-sample PCBs.
     Photographs of this work are now in the FDC logbook (entry 382).
   * The thickness of the PCB laminate will be measured tomorrow in the
     lap joint region.  The laminate will then be epoxied to one of our
     G10/Rohacell laminates using the vacuum-bagging technique to develop
     our procedures.
 - Fernando looked at the PCBs that came back from Greg Arnold's group and was
   satisfied with the quality. Herun has started to redo the electrical QA on the
   boards before construction.  She will be done shortly and a full report will
   be provided.
 - The wooden shipping box will be shipped back to JLab by IUCF.  They have gotten
   the paperwork from Lorelei and will get to this shortly.
 - PCB updates:
     * Kim has finished the moving of the decoupling capacitors on the back 
       side of the STBs. Fernando is now looking over the design drawings to 
       make sure all is well.  
     * The updated PCB drawings will be given over to Bill so that they
       can be put into the 3D model.

Cathode Planning

 - The work that Bill is doing to prepare a write-up for the tolerances
   for the layers for the wire frame will be used to make a similar
   write-up for the cathodes.  More to come.
 - Brian has been asked to check on the cathode boards in the storage box
   to make sure that there are no problems.  The nitrogen dewar ran out
   because somebody stole liquid out of it without our consent (what a 
   world, what a world).  A second dewar has been put into place.
 - Fernando and Brian will meet shortly with the W&M SEM folks to go over
   the next steps in understanding the surface deposits on our sample
   cathode board.
 - Roger was asked last week to make contact with our sales representative
   at Allflex.  No word on if this has been done or not.
 - Bill has been working on the edge cutting system.  We will talk about
   this in detail in an upcoming meeting as we will need this system in
   place before we can make any cathode planes.  
 - Cathode flatness measuring system:
     * Micah has an injury that will not allow him to type so the flatness
       measurements have come to a halt.  Herun was volunteered to help
       him out to get the measurements done.  This is important to complete
       very soon so that we can move to select the desired cathode tension.
 - Brian is working on a first draft of a cathode construction document.
   He will pass this on to Bill early next week.
 - Brian was asked to start to move forward on the system to measure the
   cathode tension in situ and to develop a better system to apply tension.
   Brian and Bill met after the FDC meeting to go over the existing system
   to apply tension to the cathodes.  The next cathode we make should be
   set to a tension of 300 N/m.  In doing this work, we want to measure
   the board distortions along and against the strips.  These measurements
   should then allow us to understand how the artwork needs to be scaled
   (if at all) during the board manufacture of our remaining cathodes. An
   important point regarding board distortions.  The amount of stretching
   for a given tension, depends on what the polyimide actually is.  Keep
   in mind that what we have is not Kapton.  They are Kapton-like, but they
   have different properties.  More to come.
 - We discussed a bit more about the glue strip design.  Presently we
   are using Kapton tape with a silicon-based adhesive (a no-no).  However,
   the other known alternative is a Kapton tape with an acrylic adhesive,
   which is probably too weak.  Using our own tape will be very difficult
   as the glue will have to be kept off the Cu side.  More thought on this
   will be done in the coming week.

Full-Scale Prototype Wire Winding

 - The Phase 2 winding paperwork has now been signed by the 12 GeV folks and
   passed on to our contracts people.  The contract should be in place very
 - Roger needs to provide an update on the work to complete the Moire
   masks for the Phase 2 wire winding.
 - It may be, given our current estimates of schedules, that we will not
   be ready to send the frames to IUCF before the end of November.  This
   schedule should come into crisper focus in a few weeks.  It all depends
   on when we can place the Rohacell and G10 orders and what the turn around
   time is.  We need 3 weeks to make the frames one all parts are in.

Spacer Design

 - We are presently focusing on two different choices for the material
   of the solid spacer.  One is polypropylene and the other is Noryl.  Noryl
   is more expensive, but may have less handling and construction costs.  We
   need to do a price estimate.  We can easily laminate Noryl to the
   cathode board and eliminate one o-ring.  Polypropylene does not epoxy
   well and would need to undergo an acid etching step to better prepare the
   surface to receive the epoxy.  Bill will look into this more.
 - We will be working to make a mechanical prototype as soon as the
   design is finalized.

Stack Assembly Procedures

 - DSC, Brian, and Bill will work to finalize the stack assembly construction 
   document that has been prepared.  This document should be in place before 
   we get too far in the construction process.
 - Bill has found some plastic threaded rods that could be used to 
   compress the stack.  We will be receiving some samples shortly and
   will carry out some loading tests.

Cooling System Tests

 - Fernando is in the process of writing up the results from his cooling 
   system studies.  Stay tuned for the GlueX note.
 - Bill has done some ANSYS modeling to better study the connector that 
   goes from the daughter board card to the cooling loop.  These will be
   added to Fernando's note.

Gas System Design

 - Slava has worked on a preliminary layout of the gas handling system 
   for the CDC and FDC.  He provided two options for the FDC system design 
   that were essentially a basic version and a fancier version.  Slava's 
   design work was based on the original concept that Brian came up with 
   long ago.  We will continue the design work as we have time.


 - Roger needs to prepare a document for QA/stuffing/cleaning for the
   cathode boards and a similar document for the cathode daughter
   boards and ground boards.
 - Kim has provided a draft of a procedures document for the Phase 1 and
   Phase 2 wire frame PCB component attachment. She has merged this
   document with Fernando's cleaning and handling document.  The document
   is being finalized with some additional language on soldering iron
   temperature vs. time profiles.  It should be completed before the
   start of the Phase 2 component soldering.
 - Fernando has posted GlueX-doc-1031 entitled "Electrical Characterization 
   of the CDC and FDC Detectors".  Folks should read this over and give 

Small-Scale Prototype

 - The deadline for getting ASIC feedback to Mitch is very near.  The 
   specifications for the FDC ASIC are believed to be final.  Waiting for
   Yves to complete work for the CDC.  Our next FDC/CDC meeting will be
   on Monday to find out where we stand.
 - We still have the lingering issue of the problematic x-y plots from the
   2-micron Cu cathodes.  Simon will revisit this problem by taking some
   new pulser calibration data to see if this makes the apparent problem
   go away.

Work List

 - The FDC short-term work list has been posted on the FDC web site).  
   This is continually being updated and DSC welcomes any feedback or comments 
   from the group.

Minutes prepared by Daniel. Send any comments or corrections along.