FA125 chip occupancy

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Run 11663, 80nA

From the first 1000 events in run 11663, 50 um diamond, PARA, 1345A solenoid, 80 nA beam. Plotted number of hits in each of the chips per event, channels 0-5 are on one chip, 6-11 are on the next, etc, eg event 21 has only 1 hit on roc25 slot3, and that is for the 2nd chip, so the entry in the histogram for roc25slot3chip2 is 1 and the entries for the other chips on roc25slot3 are 0. The crates are plotted separately.

CDC crates, fa125 chip occupancy in run 11663
CDC crates, fa125 chip occupancy in run 11663
FDC crates, fa125 chip occupancy in run 11663
FDC crates, fa125 chip occupancy in run 11663

[Run 11663 RCDB]

CDC total reports: 624000 zero hits: 582645 nonzero hits: 41355 zero/total 93.37 % 

 number of chips reporting 0 hits (582645) / total reports (624000)  93.37 % 
 number of chips reporting 1 hits (27249) / total reports (624000)  4.37 % 
 number of chips reporting 2 hits (8665) / total reports (624000)  1.39 % 
 number of chips reporting 3 hits (3749) / total reports (624000)  0.60 % 
 number of chips reporting 4 hits (1073) / total reports (624000)  0.17 % 
 number of chips reporting 5 hits (378) / total reports (624000)  0.06 % 
 number of chips reporting 6 hits (241) / total reports (624000)  0.04 % 

 0 hits x 582645 reports = 0 
 1 hits x 27249 reports = 27249 
 2 hits x 8665 reports = 17330 
 3 hits x 3749 reports = 11247 
 4 hits x 1073 reports = 4292 
 5 hits x 378 reports = 1890 
 6 hits x 241 reports = 1446 

Total of hits x reports = 63454 
Total hits x reports possible = 6 x 624000 = 3744000 

Occupancy: total hits x reports / total possible = 1.69 %
FDC total reports: 1560000 zero hits: 1464945 nonzero hits: 95055 zero/total 93.91 % 

 number of chips reporting 0 hits (1464945) / total reports (1560000)  93.91 % 
 number of chips reporting 1 hits (20647) / total reports (1560000)  1.32 % 
 number of chips reporting 2 hits (20342) / total reports (1560000)  1.30 % 
 number of chips reporting 3 hits (20098) / total reports (1560000)  1.29 % 
 number of chips reporting 4 hits (19073) / total reports (1560000)  1.22 % 
 number of chips reporting 5 hits (9508) / total reports (1560000)  0.61 % 
 number of chips reporting 6 hits (5387) / total reports (1560000)  0.35 % 

 0 hits x 1464945 reports = 0 
 1 hits x 20647 reports = 20647 
 2 hits x 20342 reports = 40684 
 3 hits x 20098 reports = 60294 
 4 hits x 19073 reports = 76292 
 5 hits x 9508 reports = 47540 
 6 hits x 5387 reports = 32322 

Total of hits x reports = 277779 
Total hits x reports possible = 6 x 1560000 = 9360000 

Occupancy: total hits x reports / total possible = 2.97 %

Run 11437, 212nA

From the first 1000 events in run 11437 file 001, 50 um diamond, PERP, 1200A solenoid, 212 nA beam.

CDC crates, fa125 chip occupancy in run 11437
CDC crates, fa125 chip occupancy in run 11437
FDC crates, fa125 chip occupancy in run 11437
FDC crates, fa125 chip occupancy in run 11437

[Run 11437 RCDB]

Average occupancy is 2% (CDC) and 3% (FDC), details below.

Chip occupancy calculation for CDC:

Data file contains 624,000 entries, one for each of 4 crates x 13 boards x 12 chips per board x 1000 events. Total # hits possible = 6 * 624,000.

 ((1*26912)+(2*9258)+(3*3968)+(4*1067)+(5*324)+(6*210))/(6*624000.0) = 1.72e-02

so this is an average of 1.7% occupancy.

CDC total reports: 624000 zero hits: 582261 nonzero hits: 41739 zero/total 93.31 % 

 number of chips reporting 0 hits (582261) / total reports (624000)  93.31 % 
 number of chips reporting 1 hits (26912) / total reports (624000)  4.31 % 
 number of chips reporting 2 hits (9258) / total reports (624000)  1.48 % 
 number of chips reporting 3 hits (3968) / total reports (624000)  0.64 % 
 number of chips reporting 4 hits (1067) / total reports (624000)  0.17 % 
 number of chips reporting 5 hits (324) / total reports (624000)  0.05 % 
 number of chips reporting 6 hits (210) / total reports (624000)  0.03 % 

 0 hits x 582261 reports = 0 
 1 hits x 26912 reports = 26912 
 2 hits x 9258 reports = 18516 
 3 hits x 3968 reports = 11904 
 4 hits x 1067 reports = 4268 
 5 hits x 324 reports = 1620 
 6 hits x 210 reports = 1260 

Total of hits x reports = 64480 
Total hits x reports possible = 6 x 624000 = 3744000 

Occupancy: total hits x reports / total possible = 1.72 %
FDC total reports: 1560000 zero hits: 1450179 nonzero hits: 109821 zero/total 92.96 % 

 number of chips reporting 0 hits (1450179) / total reports (1560000)  92.96 % 
 number of chips reporting 1 hits (24417) / total reports (1560000)  1.57 % 
 number of chips reporting 2 hits (23508) / total reports (1560000)  1.51 % 
 number of chips reporting 3 hits (22542) / total reports (1560000)  1.45 % 
 number of chips reporting 4 hits (21734) / total reports (1560000)  1.39 % 
 number of chips reporting 5 hits (10848) / total reports (1560000)  0.70 % 
 number of chips reporting 6 hits (6772) / total reports (1560000)  0.43 % 

 0 hits x 1450179 reports = 0 
 1 hits x 24417 reports = 24417 
 2 hits x 23508 reports = 47016 
 3 hits x 22542 reports = 67626 
 4 hits x 21734 reports = 86936 
 5 hits x 10848 reports = 54240 
 6 hits x 6772 reports = 40632 

Total of hits x reports = 320867 
Total hits x reports possible = 6 x 1560000 = 9360000 

Occupancy: total hits x reports / total possible = 3.43 %

More runs and innermost rings

3e-4 amorphous radiator runs
Run nominal beam current CDC chip occupancy CDC rings 1-4 chip occupancy FDC chip occupancy
11634 40nA 1.4 % 4.8 % 2.6%
11635 80nA 0.8 % 2.9 % 1.4%
11637 110nA 0.9 % 3.0 % 1.4%
11636 150nA 2.1 % 7.5 % 3.2%

Check with epics to find out what the av beam current was during first 100k events of file 001.

other diamond runs
Run nominal beam current CDC chip occupancy CDC rings 1-4 chip occupancy FDC chip occupancy
11361  ? 2.4 % 9.1 % 3.9%
11362  ? 2.7 % 10.2 % 4.0%