CDC signal integration new

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Cosmics, 50/50 gas, 2090V

Comparison with old (underpowered preamp) data is at CDC_signal_integration

Run numbers are 31809 (horiz) 31810 (45 deg) and 31811 (30 deg) at 3.0V, 2.09kV

Check pedestal width and stability

Pedestal height
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Pedestal width (std dev of first 100 samples in each event)
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V

Find hit threshold to cut above noise

Histograms of first max in signal amplitude with hit threshold 4 x pedestal sigma
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Histograms of first max in signal amplitude with hit threshold 5 x pedestal sigma
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V

Ratio of fit MPV for horizontal : 30 degr : 45 degr data are 210 : 261 : 317 or 1 : 1.24 : 1.51 Ratio of vertical path lengths should be 1 : 1.15 : 1.41 or 1 : 1.16 : 1.45 after correcting for range of angles due to scintillator height and width.

Data below are for hit threshold 5 x pedestal sigma

Try to calculate dE/dx

Find dE and then divide by track length (calculated in the plane parallel to the endplates). Results should scale with the tilt of the prototype. Try the following for dE:

  • (A) integrate signal for 700 ns
  • (B) position of first max in amplitude
  • (C) integrate signal up to position of first max in amplitude
(A) integration from low threshold crossing for next 700ns / track length
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
(B) height of first maximum in signal amplitude / track length
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V

Ratio of fit MPV for horizontal : 30 degr : 45 degr data are 16.9 : 21.4 : 25.7 or 1 : 1.27 : 1.52 Ratio of vertical path lengths should be 1 : 1.16 : 1.45

(C) signal integrated from low threshold crossing to position of first maximum in signal amplitude / track length
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V

Ratio of fit MPV for horizontal : 30 degr : 45 degr data are 40.7 : 54.5 : 69.2 or 1 : 1.34 : 1.70

Same data as previous section with path lengths scaled by 1/cos(tilt angle)

Track length is calculated in the plane parallel to the endplates (no z information) so I scaled it by the tilt of the prototype for the 45 degree data, the upper cosmic trigger scintillator is high up enough that the cosmics are ~ vertical.

(A) integration from low threshold crossing for next 700ns / track length (scaled for tilt angle)
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V

The ratio of tilted 45deg to horizontal integration means is 1.24 (old data) and 1.28 (new data); it should be 1 (as they are already scaled by track length) so this means the tilted integrations are 25-30% too large.

(B) height of first maximum in signal amplitude / track length (scaled for tilt angle)
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V

Landau fit MPVs are 16.9 (horizontal), 18.4 (30deg) and 18.1 (45 deg). The ratio of tilted 45deg to horizontal MPV of Landau fitted to amplitude/track length histogram is 0.99 (old data) and 1.07 (new data).

(C) signal integrated from low threshold crossing to position of first maximum in signal amplitude / track length (scaled for tilt angle)
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V

The ratio of tilted 45deg to horizontal MPV of Landau fitted to (integration to first maximum/tracklength) histogram is 1.07 (old data) and 1.18 (new data).

Signal duration (Time over threshold)

Look at time over threshold...

Search back from end of sample window until ADC value rises above a threshold, tried 3sigma, 5sigma, 8sigma (sigma= pedestal std dev). The initial hit selection is on 5sigma so all events will pass this.

Time over threshold 3sigma
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Time over threshold 5sigma
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Time over threshold 8sigma
No tilt, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 30 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V
Tilted at 45 degrees, LV 3.0V, HV 2090V

Signal duration (change in gradient)

Another way to find the peak length is to start at the end of the sample window and work towards the first sample, looking for a rise of 10sigma or more between 2 consecutive chunks of 5 samples summed together. Other similar approaches on this page finding signal duration

run 31809 (horizontal)
run 31811 (tilted 30deg)
run 31810 (tilted 45deg)

dE/dx without trackfitting

Amplitude of first maximum in signal / peak duration (peak length calculated as immediately above) Units of fADC bins/sample
run 31809 (horizontal)
run 31811 (tilted 30deg)
run 31810 (tilted 45deg)

Drift times

Drift times for tracked and untracked hits in ch20
run 31809 (horizontal)
run 31811 (tilted 30deg)
run 31810 (tilted 45deg)


Resolution ch20
run 31809 (horizontal)
run 31811 (tilted 30deg)
run 31810 (tilted 45deg)
Resolution vs drift distance
run 31809 (horizontal)
run 31811 (tilted 30deg)
run 31810 (tilted 45deg)
Resolution for chunks of drift distance
run 31809 (horizontal)
run 31811 (tilted 30deg)
run 31810 (tilted 45deg)