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March 15, 2012 FDC meeting


  1. Production Construction Tracking (Dave)
    • Production status
    • Testing at Blue Crab (Lubomir)
  2. Oxygen contamination in the first package FDC ELOG (Beni, Bill, Lubomir)
  3. Engineering update (Bill)
  4. Electronics update (Chris)
  5. Other


Participants: Dave, Bill, John, Nick, Eugene, Beni, Simon, and Lubomir.


- Dave for the third package: wire planes #4 and #13 remain to be deadened. The chemical re-crystalized and has to be reheated. Chris will put the components on #13 on Friday. Mylar will be tensioned on cathode #40 type-2 and we will be done with the parts for the third package. Package four: started working on the first two cathodes type-3, laminating and testing the wire frames. Most likely Anatoly will start working on BCAL lightguides gluing (in couple of weeks?), so we would like him first to replace the HV caps and do the testing on the rest of the wire frames.

- Lubomir: third cell on the third package had to be opened twice to clean a noise place (10-20 kHz high amplitude) on a sense wire; turned out to be a small hair on the back side of the wire. Fourth cell was installed too but not tested yet. As Eugene suggested on the tracking meeting we discussed if we stop the package assembly till we figure out the oxygen issue. Everybody agreed. We will continue mostly with the cathode production and wire frame production, preferably without stringing the wires to avoid damage/cleaning.