Oct 3-4, 2011 Replacement Solenoid

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Action item list

Note: NAN -> No Action necessary by MIT

  1. Mechanical properties of Cu after soldering and annealing (Cold Work residual)
    • Discussed in final report
    1. Ettore: Depends on thickness of conductor
    2. NAN Measure Cu (4.4 mm thick) from MECO project? (MIT but needs funding)
  2. Pulling force for winding the "hard way"? (MIT but needs funding, what is the winding tension?)
    • Discussed in final report
  3. Ettore: would like to make the argument for 3 coils more crisp. (final design may have a different solution, present proposal is workable -no show-stoppers- and based on existing experience and manufacturing expertise available)
  4. Fringe field (MIT)
    1. Alexey will calculate fringe fields using the actual iron configuration with new cladding for the existing solenoid at z=6 and 6.5 m. With filling holes and without.
      • Alexey's calculation results were sent via email to Tim Whitlatch on 10/6/11 with the following results: Fields in gauss at R=0.1 m and Z=6 m and 6.5 m are in the table. In all cases they are below 150 gauss. Holes open: 149.37G (z=6m), 85.8 G (z=6.5 m) , Holes filled: 144.37G (z=6m), 81.7G (z=6.5 m). Tim replied: They match very well with Poisson: 151G (z=6 m), 85G (z=6.5m).
    2. Tim will make drawings available with the new cladding. (Tim sent a note with specifics, e-mail 10/4/11)
  5. NAN Verify actual lengths of SSC superconductor and propose specific coils for use in spare solenoid (JLab).
  6. NAN Check eddy currents in radiation shield (homework for final design)
  7. Ettore: investigate use of stainless outer cylinder for mechanical strength (leave to final design? linked to manufacturer capabilities, Alexey to add to comments about 3 coil rational)
    • Comments added to the final report
  8. Provide latest information on switches in dump circuit (mechanical vs. solid state) (Brad, M-Technologies, Steve Fairfax [http:www.mtechnology.net web])
  9. NAN check stresses at attachment points of axial rods (leave to final design)
  10. Check heat generation due to sliding action between coil and structure (friction) (MIT)
    • Discussed in final report
  11. NAN Calculate cooldown time (leave to final design)
  12. Specify polyimide glass (Kapton) for ground insulation.
    • Added to final report
  13. Add bumpers to restrain the cold mass in a fault condition. (MIT)
    • Added to the final report
  14. Acceptable tolerance in the assembly of the coil (8.4 mm radially)
    • Added to final report
  15. Provide solid works and step file for model (MIT)
    • MIT provided JLab with a solid Works file provided at the review
  16. Find out how much dumped in the magnet during quench (run quench program with Rdump=0).
    • It is 3.2 MJ to coil, balance to dump resistor.
  17. NAN Show that current cryo plant is sufficient to run the magnet. (JLab)
  18. Add redundant switch to dump circuit.
    • Added to final report.

Additional Items after the review:

  1. Add the cryogenic load of HTS CL if we use the available cryogenic plant (Ettore email 10/7/11)
    • The issue with using HTs leads with the existing cryoplant is with the ability of the cryoplant to deliver nitrogen at the desired warm end temperature of 64 K. Warmer temperatures result in a necessary de-rating of the leads. This is mentioned in the final report.


  1. Design inputs and interfaces :
    • Magnetic configuration
    • Cables availability
    • Cryogenic
    • Electrical
    • Mechanical configuration and loads
    • Instrumentation
  2. Design choices
    • Conductor
    • Number of coils
    • Manufacturing
    • Operating current
  3. Design description and analyses:
    • Solenoid configuration
    • Stress analysis and structural assessment
    • Thermal and quench analysis
    • Fault analysis?
  4. Concluding remarks:
    • General discussion
    • Action list.

Tentative Agenda

Monday 3 room F326 2.30-6.30

Attending: Brad, Alexey, Craig Mille (MIT); Elton, Eugene, Tim, Geore, Ettore, Glenn (JLab).

Proposed talks /discussion

  1. Magnet and magnetic design description
  2. Conductor design and quench performance
  3. Structural analysis

Tuesday 4 room F226 8:30-11:00

  1. Cryogenics

Tuesday 4 room F227 11:00-1:00p.m.