Mattione Update 09072011

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FCAL Time Reconstruction

  • The reconstructed FCAL time is significantly offset from the simulated times.
Mattione Update 09072011 FCAL DeltaTVsE.gif

  • hd_dump of DFCALShower, DFCALTruthShower, and DFCALHit. Note that both the DFCALShower and DFCALHit times are ~2+ ns greater than the DFCALTruthShower times.
Event: 1
 E(GeV):   X(cm):   Y(cm):   Z(cm):   t(ns):
   3.27    -8.27    63.70   642.36    21.16  //Photon generated at target center (0, 0, 65), so path length = 580.922 and t should be = 19.377

 x(cm): y(cm): z(cm): px(MeV/c): py(MeV/c): pz(MeV/c):   E(MeV): t(ns): primary: track: type:
  -8.0   61.7  625.3      -44.8      343.8     3123.6  3142.732   18.8        1      1     1  //Photon generated at target center (0, 0, 65), so path length = 563.744 and t should be = 18.8
//similar, additional hits were present but were truncated

  row: column: x(cm): y(cm):   E(MeV):  t(ns):
   44      26  -12.0   60.0    42.050  21.082 
//similar, additional hits were present but were truncated
  • In programs/Simulation/HDGeant/hitFCal.c the times saved to the s_FcalTruthShowers_t and s_FcalTruthHit_t objects are different: the s_FcalTruthHit_t times (which are later smeared and converted to DFCALHit objects) are increased to account for what looks like light propagation to the PMTs (line ~192). Perhaps this isn't being taken into account in the DFCALCluster reconstruction code??? I'm not really familiar with it, so I'm hoping that someone who is will take a look at this.