July 20, 2011 Tracking CDC/FDC

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Revision as of 12:03, 20 July 2011 by Nsjarvis (Talk | contribs) (CDC Update)

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Meeting Time and Place

Wednesday July 20, 2011 at 11:00am At Jefferson Lab, the meeting will be held in F326


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  1. ) ESNET: 8542553
  2. )To connect by telephone, dial:
  • You can look up toll-free number at http://www.readytalk.com/intl
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  1. Announcements
  2. FDC Update logbook
  3. CDC Update
    1. Construction Progress
    2. Professional photos of layer 22 photos
    3. Update on the electrical hookup prototype photos
    4. FADC Update


Participants: Curtis, Naomi, Beni, Eugene, Mark, Simon, Dave, Tim

FDC Update

  1. There are some problems with wire planes 1 and 2 not holding HV, not caused by the wires but by the frame where the capacitors are soldered...
  2. So far 8 cathode planes and 3 wire are frames ready, cannot put them together until the wire dampening/beam blocking material arrives.
  3. Simon is looking at the benefit of moving the last FDC frame slightly upstream for better PID in reconstruction.

CDC Update

  1. Straw installation - the last stereo row (24) is nearly complete.
  2. Tension tests - 6 broken wires were found in the 6 strung layers (and will be replaced during the next stringing session). All the wires did pass continuity testing soon after stringing; the tension measurements were made several weeks afterwards. The wires all broke in or near to the crimp pin. We plan to remeasure the tension in the other wires.
  3. A few of the CDC photos taken by CMU's photographer are on line.[CDC photos]
  4. The wire hookup prototype is finished and is being used for wiring practice. [PCB hookup prototype]
  5. Naomi made a slight improvement to the prototype CDC resolution by improving the timing by sending the logic signals from scintillator discriminators and coincidence into the fADC.
  6. Tim has sent out the cheeseplate spec to some vendors for comment prior to bidding. Labelling every hole will be cost-prohibitive so this might be reduced to 10% of the holes. We will have to accept stock material (polycarbonate), Tim will double-check that clear polycarbonate was specified.