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February 17, 2011 FDC meeting


  1. Production (David)
    • Blue Crab status
  2. Electronics (Fernando, Chris, Roger)
    • Rigid-flex and foil production status
    • Other
  3. Engineering (Bill, David, Lubomir)
  4. Chamber testing
  5. Other


Participants: Bill, Mark, Dave, Chris, Simon, Beni, and Lubomir.


- Dave: the stringing table and the cathode tensioning system are the only main items not yet moved to Blue Crab. The stringing table will be modified before moving there: 6 holes in the granite have to be drilled and different other new pieces mounted there. Will have three computers in the clean room, one new and another two used, all Windows. The temperature in the clean room is lower than the required one and the vendor will fix the problem tomorrow. It turned out the temperature control is not in the clean room and we are not supposed use it.

- The plan for the next month work at Blue Crab includes: cathode frame inspection, building PCB rings, cutting, aligning, and gluing cathodes. We will start with old PCB and damaged cathode foils and then use the new/good ones. The ultimate plan is to build parts for one chamber that has to be tested before the mass production.

- Dave's working on the procedures/travelers, we can't start production without these documents.


- Chris: 50 cables were reworked, but 13 of them came short by a foot. It turned out those are CDC cable. Even if the length is not critical, we decided not to accept such cables for the FDC.