Coil Test Weekly Meeting 2-Sep-2010

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Solenoid Coil Test Weekly Meeting

Location and Time

  • Thu 2-Sep-2010 9:30am ARC 428


  • DOE review late Sep
  • Installation status
    • two weeks notice to Errol?
  • Test plan - Josh
    • tags, HMI, etc.
    • Conduct of Operations
  • Magnet power supply and interlock commissioning - Cody
    • can we turn it on yet?
    • do we have strainers yet?
  • Controls racks - Scot
    • Strain gauge interlock
    • anything else?
  • PLC programming/testing status - Mark W
    • backup PLC programmer - who?
    • tutorial?
  • UPS status - Mark W, Elliott
    • relay card in interlock system
    • connection to PLC
  • EPICS <--> PLC communications - Wesley
    • connection to guard shack
  • HMI and EWEB programming - Yi, Elliott, Hovanes
    • status
    • tutorial?
  • Coil repair status - George
  • OSP documents and review - Elliott, George