May 5, 2009 Physics

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Revision as of 17:58, 12 May 2009 by Zisis (Talk | contribs) (Minutes)

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Time: 11:00 EST/10:00 CST

  • ESNET Number 8542553
  • Phone:
    • +1-800-377-8846 : US
    • +1-888-276-7715 : Canada
    • +1-302-709-8424 : International
    • then enter participant code: 39527048# (remember the "#")

To do list from last meeting

  • Next Steps:
  1. look at the a2 mass peak - adjust cuts on the eta and pi0 masses
  2. introduce Pythia background - skim off the wanted events by cutting on the total neutral energy (but we need to record the total number of events before skimming) - hd_filter is a good program example
  3. cut on eta and pi0 masses, then look at the effect on the different angular distributions (i.e. Gottfried-Jackson angles, etc.)
  4. look at difference between reconstructed and generated z position for less than 65 cm
  5. look at single photon reconstruction efficiencies
  6. adjust the error matrix for the BCAL (look in PID/

Documents to Review

Tentative Agenda

  1. Status quo on where we left off (Blake)
  2. Discussion (all)


Attendees: Matt, Ryan, Mihajlo (IU), David (Jlab), Blake, Zisis (UofR)

  1. Blake reports:
    1. updated the calibration in the repository (includes dark rate)
    2. the pi-0 work is currently on hold
    3. has had some problems with the new ROOT version on the IU cluster
  2. Matt briefly discussed the 7x7 error matrix with the variance along the diagonal and covariant elements off diagonally. The work depends on a coordinate transformation from local to global system.
  3. Blake will review all relevant documents on the portal, starting with the Software section of the Calorimetry Review (GlueX-doc-989 Calorimeter Simulations)