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May 5, 2016 Drift Chamber meeting


  1. Instructions for Bluejeans meeting connection
  2. Meeting ID: 290664653

Headline text

  1. To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1] https://bluejeans.com/290664653.


  1. Detector updates
  2. Electronics (Fernando, Chris, Nick)
  3. NIM Papers
  4. fADC125 meeting (Naomi, Cody, Beni)
  5. Other


Participants: Curtis, Naomi, Mike (CMU) Eugene, Fernando, Beni, Luke, Simon, Nick, Chris, Vlad, Sergey, and Lubomir (JLab).


- Naomi discussed some issues ( a bug fixed in the timing algorithm?) and future firmware developments, like self-triggering.

- Lubomir looked at some runs with the special f125 firmware for the TRD studies and found sometimes the event number (within the same data bank) is different for the different modules. Looking at the time stamps (trigger time) indeed they correspond to events from the past or the future. Sometimes (even the event number per buffer is one) there are several consecutive events from one module. Beni: that is possible if the block level is set to >1 in mode 8.

Detector updates

- Beni: the HV and LV of FDC and CDC were turned off for the summer. As discussed later with Fernando we plan at some point to turn the HV on to look at the CDC card that had issues over the last run and also to test the stability of the FDC HV. Beni also lowered the gas flow and bypassed the alcohol bubblers. The latter is needed to reduce the effect of the alcohol on some type of glue used in the CDC, which however is not critical.

- Most of the remaining time we discussed Vlad's results on the cathode calibration.