Run Planning Meeting Notes, March 27-April 2, 2016

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Wednesday, March 30

  1. Accelerator Status
    1. Problem with RF separation yesterday
      • Beam taken away for RF work, 4 pm - 10 pm
      • Go back to work on issue today
    2. beam studies scheduled for Thursday
  2. Hall-D/GlueX items
    1. FCAL gain/calibration mystery (Adesh)
    2. gluonraid space (David)
    3. new microscope bias voltages (Richard)
    4. fluctuating DAQ livetime
    5. production running with tagger quad. current variation, deferred (Richard)
    6. other systems?
  3. Run Plan
    • 10:00 transmission studies
    •  ??:?? trigger studies
  4. Offline analysis?
  5. Administrative Items
    1. Run List, Paper Form
  6. AOB?

Tuesday, March 29

  1. Accelerator Status
    1. Problem with RF 2L07-7 overnight, control module replaced
    2. today after lunch: spin studies, will have few interruptions of 15 min. each
    3. beam studies scheduled for Thursday
  2. Hall-D/GlueX items
    1. beam issues
      • drifting y-position
      • satelite bump in beam profiler still there, plus new wart on main peak of x
      • active target counting rate low
    2. Solenoid magnet trip, Mon. 9 am
    3. FCAL field dependence study data being taken yesterday (Adesh)
    4. pair spectrometer study while ramping: deferred
    5. gluonraid space
    6. other systems?
  3. Run Plan
  4. Offline analysis?
  5. Administrative Items
    1. Standard Conditions
    2. Google Calendar
  6. AOB?

Monday, March 28

  1. Accelerator Status
    1. started beam delivery Sunday
    2. today: Hall B 1-pass extraction work will interrupt beam availability
    3. Hall A Moller quads need work, target filling, some viewer broken
    4. Hall D can ask for beam (beam on now), but may be taken away for extraction work
  2. Hall-D/GlueX items
    1. beam issues
      • drifting y-position
      • left should in y in tagger harp scan
      • satelite bump in beam profiler still there, plus new wart on main peak of x
      • active target counting rate low
    2. magnet ramping now...done by 2 pm
    3. Lubomir proposal, executed overnight last night
    4. quadrupole commissioning study
    5. FCAL field dependence study data being taken now (Adesh)
    6. pair spectrometer study while ramping?
    7. other systems?
  3. Run Plan
  4. Offline analysis?
  5. Next meeting?
  6. AOB?

Sunday, March 27

No meeting.