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January 28, 2016 Drift Chamber meeting


  1. Instructions for Bluejeans meeting connection
  2. Meeting ID: 290664653
  3. To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1] https://bluejeans.com/290664653.


  1. Collaboration meeting Feb 2016
  2. NIM Papers
  3. Run Readiness Run Coordination Meetings: Spring 2016 Run
  4. Electronics (Fernando, Chris, Nick)
  5. Other

Naomi chaired a separate meeting (with the same people) on the fADC125 firmware: FA125_firmware_check


Participants: Curtis, Naomi (CMU) Eugene, Cody, Luke, Chris, Simon, Beni, and Lubomir (JLab).

Collaboration meeting

- Mike will report on the CDC status.

- Lubomir will give Simon 4-5 slides with the FDC update mostly related to the cathode hit reconstruction, as a part of Simon's track reconstruction talk. There will be no separate FDC talk.

- Segey will report on the TRD results from the last run.

- Naomi will have a talk on the fADC125 in another session but it might be moved to the tracking session (Curtis).

NIM papers

- Mike set up a new ShareLaTex tool for collaborative editing that will be used for the CDC paper (see link above).

- Lubomir is working on a contribution to the VCI conference (middle of February). The contribution will be published as a NIM paper but limited to 4 pages only; the deadline in middle of March. This contribution will be a separate paper from the general FDC paper, and will concentrate on the special studies mostly with the spare package.

Run Readiness

- Beni: the CDC is stable, but he hasn't check yet the occupancies in all the channels and if some cables are swapped (as it happened before).

- Luke checked the occupancies in all the FDC channels and showed a spreadsheet (linked above) with the results. Wires: in total three channels with no or low signals: all are first channels of the pre-amp cards (in the first package) indicating maybe connection problem. The four wire cards that were noisy before are now OK, but there's a new one with noise. Strips: total number of bad channels about the same - four channels that had problems before are OK, but five new problems all in one cathode in the fourth package.

- Lubomir attempted to fix a HV channel in the most downstream cell 6 of the fourth package. A 10cm Q-tip was needed to reach and clean the HV wire soldering place. First plot above shows