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September 6, 2012 FDC meeting


  1. Production Construction Tracking (Dave)
  2. Cathode corrosion
    • Recent test results: [1]
    • Cathode foil coating
  3. Engineering (Bill)
  4. Electronics (Chris, Nick)
  5. Third package tests FDC E-log (Beni)
  6. TDR, pages 132-145 (Lubomir)
  7. Other


Participants: Eugene, Bill, Dave, Simon, Vlad, Beni, and Lubomir


- Dave: Need to put the cards on another two cathodes and we will be ready with the first three cells that will go in package #1. Chris put the resistors on one PCB set and Casey started today making the PCB ring for wire frame #28. It will be laminated beginning of next week and Anatoly will put and test the HV caps before the end of the next week.

- Eugene: in order to expedite the solenoid testing, the plan so far is that three of our techs will be taken from us for two months, October and November. Dave and Anatoly will still work on the FDC. In case we need somebody for a short time, like half a shift, we should discuss this with Tim and Tom in advance.

- Just for the record: starting about Sunday evening or Monday morning (09/02-03) the humidity in the clean room was above 60%. On Tuesday it was 63% all day. A faulty fan was found that was replaced on Wednesday before lunch; in the afternoon the humidity returned back to normal for the season, 47-49%. In the clean room we have only the fourth package with four cell assembled being flushed with Nitrogen.

- Vlad updated the grounding scheme including the ~100 additional grounds, that is linked above.