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March 1, 2012 FDC meeting


  1. Production Construction Tracking (Dave)
    • Production status
    • Testing at Blue Crab (Lubomir)
  2. Oxygen contamination in the first package: monitoring results, possible explanation and options to reduce it FDC ELOG (Beni, Bill, Lubomir)
  3. Engineering update (Bill)
  4. Electronics update (Chris)
  5. Other


Participants: Simon, Nick, Eugene, Beni, Chris, Bill, Dave, and Lubomir.


- Dave: Chris will come tomorrow to install the elements on the next wire frame; we decided it will be #23 and will have #13 (with the glued HV caps!) at the top of the package in case we have to fix it. Dave will do the electroplating tomorrow, as well. So, the wire frame and the cathodes for the next cell will be ready by Monday. Working on the rest of the cathodes for package #3 and started working also on the first cathode for package #4.

- Lubomir: first two cells of package #3 were installed, flushed with gas, conditioned and tested without problems within one week (~3 days for each). Yesterday we installed the third cell and started flushing with gas. Today after applying HV we found high dark current between the field and sense wires. We had similar problems before and we knew it is related to the epoxy used to glue the wires. It turned out that this is the first frame on which Casey used a new epoxy batch, both resin and hardener. Same epoxy was used on another three wire frames that will go next in the package. We will stop using this batch till we figure out if this is a problem.

First package testing