Installation Procedures

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      • DRAFT***

Installation Procedure of cart and module equipment at JLAB: JLAB people would like to see this as soon as possible. Eric needs to add weight estimates to lifts and lifting equipment (as soon as he can... cloning may be the answer.) Sent by email to Task-D and Zisis 7-17-06, updated from Alex's email 7-17-04 (16:37).

    1. HBS moves crates into Hall B.
    1. Uncrate BCAL module, cart, carriage, light guide boxes and pivot leg.
    1. HBS lifts PMT boxes, light guide boxes and pivot leg onto platform using straps and then will stash the equipment at the back of the alcove.
    1. HBS lifts cart onto platform using straps and Eric will prepare it to receive the carriage assembly.
    1. HBS assists in building carriage assembly. First a layer of cloth or black plastic is laid down on the carriage. Then the BCAL module is placed on the plastic and secured with the 8 locking clamps. Then the light guide boxes are bolted onto either end, but not compressed against the module. (Need: 3/4" box end wrench (2 or more), 3/4" Socket with drive, 7/16" box end wrench, 7/16" socket with drive, 3/16" Allen wrench)
    1. HBS lifts carriage assembly onto platform using straps attached to the carriage steel frame and sets onto the cart and secures. This lifting procedure will use straps attached to the carriage.
    1. Cart is rolled into the platform position.
    1. Holes are drilled into the deck plate to bolt cart down or a flange needs to be welded to prevent the cart from spinning. According to Doug Tilles, the steel they are using is from a submarine and has to be preheated cherry red to drill or weld to. (Need: 1/2" transfer punch, hammer, Mag-Based Drill, 1/2" center drill, 27/64" DRILL, cutting oil, 1/2-13 tap, tap handle, broom and dustpan. We may also need in the alcove a hammer drill, 1/2" concrete anchors, anchor set tool, and a clearance drill bit for the anchor.) We will know the platform position and the alcove position and will align the cart to the beam by dropping a plumb bob to the pre-marked deck. This only needs to happen at the alcove position.
    1. Sylgard sheets are installed on the end of the module and light guide boxes are pressed up against the ends. We may have to shine a light down the steel tubes at one end to check the seal at the other end.
    1. Sylgard cookies are placed on the ends of the PMT - base assemblies, cables are attached. The foam spring is installed and the assembly is slid into the steel tube with the cables being routed through the 3-point locker mechanism.
    1. Safety AC crash switches are installed at points of access to disable drive system (there are two).
    1. Signal cables are routed along carriage so that they come off behind the pivot point (need cable ties).
    1. Module is checked for light-tight status (Need: flashlight or drop light).
    1. Horizontal line laser mounted on wall needs to be installed and surveyed in to beam height. Laser needs to be visible in all run positions of the module or on some common location on module. There is some concern that the shimming floor will not be flat and the floor may move when the BCAL and cart are put on it. The laser is an independent indicator of elevation. (NOTE: IU is purchasing this from a local store and sending the wavelength to Doug Tilles to verify that we do not need any additional safety equipment to run it.)
    1. Various positions along the module in relation to the beam are checked and aligned (Need: plumb bob, chalk line, tape measure).
    1. The motion control computer is brought up and the drive system is checked out in the alcove position.

(HBS = Hall B Staff)

submitted by Eric Scott