Offline Monitoring Data Validation CPP

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This page contains the procedure for checking if CPP/NPP production runs are of good quality and can be used for physics analysis.


For each production run, do the following:

  • Go to the Offline Run Browser page.
  • Follow the steps outlined in the checklist below.
  • Workers should check each plot for their assigned subsystem and leave notes in the corresponding spreadsheet if any significant deviations are seen
  • On the spreadsheet, enter "Y" in the "Overall Quality" field if all monitoring histograms are acceptable, otherwise enter "N"
  • We will iterate this procedure until the process converges

Expert Actions

  • Certify that each subsystem is okay
  • Set run status in RCDB based on monitoring results
    • (script provided)

Run Statuses

  • -1 - unchecked
  • 0 - rejected (not physics-quality)
  • 1 - approved
  • 2 - approved long/"mode 8" data
  • 3 - calibration / systematic studies


Monitoring Spreadsheet will be linked here when ready.

Reference run for 2022-05: 100987

General Notes


  • Check Occupancy - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check Hit Efficiency - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check Recon. BCAL 1 - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check Recon. BCAL 2 - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check Recon. BCAL 3 - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check BCAL Matching - Reference: [ link ]

BCAL Reference Plots

BCAL Notes

The BCAL is used to measure the energy and time of showers.

  1. Occupancy: This should be approximately flat. There can be hot channels when the baseline drifts. If we're running ask for a pedestal calibration to be done. If we're not running nothing can be done but a very hot channel might explain low efficiency in that area.
  2. Hit Efficiency: This should be approximately flat. If there are features we should understand why.
  3. Recon. BCAL 1: The histograms are somewhat complicated. The best is to compare them to a good run (the example above.) A difference from the example should be flagged.
  4. Recon. BCAL 2: The histograms are somewhat complicated. The best is to compare them to a good run (the example above.) A difference from the example should be flagged.
  5. Recon. BCAL 3: The histograms are somewhat complicated. The best is to compare them to a good run (the example above.) A difference from the example should be flagged.
  6. BCAL Matching: These plots are for charged particles that are tracked in the drift chambers and projected to the BCAL. The z position along the BCAL can be calculated using the time difference between upstream and downstream hits and compared to the extrapolated position using the drift chambers. The histograms are somewhat complicated. The best is to compare them to a good run (the example above.) A difference from the example should be flagged.
    1. BCAL / Track Delta z (cm): (z determined from time of up - down hits in BCAL) - (z determined from the extrapolation of tracks in the drift chambers)
    2. projected BCAL Hit-Z (cm): z determined by extrapolating tracks in the drift chambers to the BCAL.
    3. Track / BCAL Match Rate: The match rate is the ratio of (number of hits in the BCAL that match the extrapolation of tracks in the drift chamber) / (number of tracks in the drift chamber that point at the BCAL).


  • Check Occupancy - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check Time-to-distance - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check dE/dx - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check Efficiency- Reference: [ link ]

CDC Reference Plots

CDC Notes

General note: The electronics for the top right quadrant of the detector were borrowed, and used for the muon chambers. The forward trigger configuration did not favour the CDC and its plots from CPP suffer from much fewer statistics than GlueX or PrimEx. It is not a critical detector for this experiment and because of the difficulty of calibrating the data, the usual requirements were relaxed. Many of the runs don't have enough statistics to evaluate them properly.
CDC Occupancy: It hurts me to look at these plots. For the remaining 3/4 of the detector, there should be a uniform decrease in intensity from the center of the detector outward. Random white cells scattered throughout occur when not enough data were collected, eg empty target runs, trigger tests or no beam. Several contiguous white, dark blue or bright yellow cells which don't match the neighboring cells are a problem.
Time-to-distance: 𝛿, the change in length of the LOCA caused by the straw deformation, is plotted against the measured drift time, t drift. The color scale indicates the distance of closest approach between the track and the wire, obtained from the tracking software. The red lines are contours of the time-to-distance function for constant drift distances from 1.5 mm to 8 mm, in steps of 0.5 mm. They should lie over the top of the dark blue contour lines separating the colour blocks. For the plot of residuals vs drift time, the mean should be less than 20um and the sigma should be less than 200um.
dE/dx: At 1.5GeV/c the fitted peak mean should be within 10% of 2.02 keV/cm.
Efficiency: The efficiency should be 0.9 or higher at 0 to 0.5cm and then fall to around 0.7 or above at 0.75cm.


  • Check Occupancy - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check FCAL Hits 1 - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check FCAL Hits 2 - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check FCAL Clusters 1 - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check FCAL Recon. 1 - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check FCAL Recon. 2 - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check Recon. FCAL Matching - Reference: [ link ]

FCAL Reference Plots

FCAL Notes

Is used for neutral particle detection and pion identification.

  1. Check Occupancy:
  2. Check FCAL Hits 1:
  3. Check FCAL Hits 2:
  4. Check FCAL Clusters 1:
  5. Check FCAL Recon. 1:
  6. Check FCAL Recon. 2:
  7. Check Recon. FCAL Matching:


  • Check Package 1 Occupancy - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check Package 2 Occupancy - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check Package 3 Occupancy - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check Package 4 Occupancy - Reference: [ link ]

FDC Reference Plots

FDC Notes


  • Check Occupancy - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check Timing Alignment - Reference: [ link ]

PS Reference Plots

PS Notes


  • Check Tagger Occupancy - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check TAGH Hits 2 - Reference: [ link ]

TAGH Reference Plots

TAGH Notes

Tagger occupancy: TAGM - Generally the fADC and TDC occupancies should be similar and mostly flat, except for a drop near the left hand side, which represents the location of the coherent peak. TAGH - expect the choppy pattern in the reference image, which reflects the varying size of the different counters
TAGH Hits 2: This plot is complicated - the main thing to look for is the time(TDC)-time(ADC) vs. channel plot to be centered around zero.


  • Check Timing ADC-RF - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check Timing T-ADC - Reference: [ link ]

TAGM Reference Plots

TAGM Notes

Generally both distributions should be centered near zero. There is some variation in intensity due to the shape of the photon beam energy dependence (coherent peak) and the inefficiency of some of the channels.


  • Check Occupancy - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check TOF Matching 1 - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check TOF Matching 2 - Reference: [ link ]

TOF Reference Plots

TOF Notes

  • Occupancy plot: missing paddles would appear as "gaps" and indicate most likely HV loss.
  • Time-Based Tracks: matching of track position at TOF location in x of horizontal paddles and y for vertical paddles, in the third column of he picture, all paddles(x-axis-bins) should have their intensity centered close to zero. This is indicative of a good timing calibration of each paddle/PMT.


  • Check timing offsets - Reference: [ link ]
    • Should be centered around zero

RF Reference Plots


  • Check HLDT Calorimeter Timing - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check HLDT Drift Chamber Timing - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check HLDT PID System Timing - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check HLDT Tagger Timing - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check HLDT Tagger/RF Align 2 - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check HLDT Tagger/SC Align - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check HLDT Track-Matched Timing - Reference: [ link ]

Timing Reference Plots

Timing Notes

  • Calorimeter Timing - The right two plots aren't aligned at zero because not all corrections are currently applied. If there is a 32 ns shift in part of this data, please note this.
  • Drift Chamber Timing - In each case, the main peaks should line up at zero, but often have other structures. Ignore the first few bins of the lower left plot (they mostly say something about the noise in the detector). There can be 32 ns shifts in the lower right plot.
  • PID System Timing - Nothing to note yet.
  • Tagger Timing - The signal to background levels of the left two plots depend on the electron beam current.
  • Track Matched Timing - Some overlap here with the tracking timing. The new plots should be centered at zero.
  • Tagger/RF Timing - Look for the nice "picket fences" on the right two plots, and that in the bottom left plot each channel peaks at zero.
  • Tagger/SC Timing - Should be similar to Tagger/RF Timing but with larger resolution.


  • Tracking 1 - [ link ]
  • Tracking 3 - [ link ]
  • Check BCAL pi0 - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check BCAL/FCAL pi0 - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check p+2pi - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check p+3pi - Reference: [ link ]
  • Check p+pi0g - Reference: [ link ]

Analysis Reference Plots

Analysis Notes

Generally in these plots, there will be a difference between diamond and amorphous radiator running. Should probably add some references for non-diamond plots.

  • Tracking 1 - There should be some mild dependence on beam current and radiator. Note the spikes in the upper right plot are because we have 4 hypotheses fit to a track by default. The lower left plot does have a peak at zero.
  • Tracking 3 -
  • Check BCAL pi0 - The fitted peak should near at the correct pi0 mass of 135 MeV.
  • Check BCAL/FCAL pi0 - The fitted peak should be lower than the correct pi0 mass, I think because the wrong vertex is used.
  • Check p+2pi - The top middle plot should have a sin(2phi) shape for diamond runs. Note that the yields in the top right plot vary from run to run on the order of 10-20%.
  • Check p+3pi -Note that the yields in the top right plot vary from run to run on the order of 10-20%.
  • Check p+pi0g - Note that the yields in the top right plot vary from run to run on the order of 10-20%.
    • Note that these yields are sensitive to the tagger range used! This changes for different beam current settings.