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Revision as of 09:42, 11 February 2014

Location and Time

Room: CC F326-327

Time: 1:30pm-2:30pm

Remote Connection

ESNet: 8542553

(if problems, call phone in conference room: 757-269-6460)

Previous Meeting



Attendees: David L.(chair), Sascha S., Hovanes E., Mark D., Beni Z., Graham H., Dave A., Dmitry R., Mark I., Bryan M., Curtis M., Sean D., Eugene C., Chris C., Sergey F.

Discussion of the Future of Online Meetings

There was some discussion about whether to continue the broad-based online meetings and if so, in what format. There were concerns that since we are now in the implementation phase for many online systems in Hall-D, that it is more efficient to discuss details in small groups. There were others arguing that the online meetings provided a forum for discussion that is not appropriate for the bi-weekly collaboration meetings, but would allow the various subgroups to keep abreast of each others activities. There were mixed opinions on whether an online meeting would be an overall efficient use of everyone's time.

There was consensus that we would continue the online meetings for a while longer, but with a streamlined agenda. Status reports will be brief and special discussion topics added to the agenda only as needed on a meeting-by-meeting basis. David Lawrence will chair the meetings.

Online Data Challenge 2014

David reported that he and Mark D. continue to work on the ODC2014 document. Some details on the requirements of relevant subsystems are being added and will be circulated for review and comment by the people responsible for those subsystems.

Collaboration Meeting Agenda

The collaboration meeting agenda was discussed. The following changes were agreed upon:

  • Add a talk on the f125 by Cody
  • Add a DAQ status update talk by Mark D.
  • Move Chris' talk to the previous session
  • Add a Controls talk by Hovanes
  • Add a Monitoring talk by David

Major Systems Reports


Alex S. reported:

  • Currently able to read out 6 crates in FCAL
    • Using one of the TI's in an FCAL crate as the master and pulser trigger
  • Working on getting 3 BCAL crates set up
  • It's possible to setup a trigger from the CTP in a single crate without the use of SSP, GTP, or TS
    • (this was in answer to an inquiry regarding the self triggering ability available for the ODC2014)

Chris C. reported:

  • 3 long trunk lines have been delivered
  • installation of the GTP crate will be done once the the trunk lines (144 fibers each) have been installed


Hovanes reported:

  • A request has been put out to all detector groups to submit their interlock requirements by beginning of March
  • Dave Butler is working on the FCAL interlock system


Eugene/Dave A. reported:

  • Remaining CPUs (single board computers) will be shipped on Feb 12th
    • vendor has option to ship earlier if available
    • minimal acceptance testing will be done before distribution
  • CODA 3.0.1 is expected next week
    • user configuration files
    • fixed ids for CODA components
      • Originally, the coda component id for a crate might be different for different CODA configurations. This was going to make offline translation difficult since a configuration-dependent translation table would be required. JCedit was modified to allow the id for a specific component to be set and persist across CODA configurations.

Hovanes reported:

  • ethernet fibers will be pulled in the middle of Feb.
    • (currently, the switches in the hall are daisy chained)


Sean D. reported:

  • Some minor improvements have been made to RootSpy.

Other Topics

  • E-log

There was some discussion on which e-log to use. We currently have two e-logs in use. One made and supported by the Accelerator Division and the other, the MIDAS e-log. There was some discussion about e-logs in general and the appropriate role for the two we have.

It was agreed that for online operations (including the L1 trigger/DAQ development currently being done) shall be reported in the accelerator-base e-log.

Next Meeting

Next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 12th