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Revision as of 19:21, 22 June 2013

I have developed a set of scripts for installing GlueX software on several flavors of Linux. The only assumption made is that the basic packages that come in a minimal install are present.[1]

The scripts have been tested on the following distributions:

Distribution Package Type System
CentOS 6 RedHat x86_64
Scientific Linux 6 RedHat x86_64
Ubuntu 12.04 Debian x86_64
Fedora 18 RedHat x86_64
LinuxMint 15 Debian x86_64
openSUSE 12.3 RedHat x86_64

The installation proceeds in three steps, one script per step.

1. prerequisites: gluex_prereq_<distribution>.sh

The prerequisites script installs packages from the distribution repository necessary for the GlueX build. As such, it must be executed by root. In addition it makes some symbolic links in system directories that are necessary for the cernlib build. These scripts are specific to particular distributions.

2. subversion test: svn_touch.sh

Simply does an "ls" of the Hall D and 12 GeV subversion repositories at JLab, as a test and to dispense with interactive prompts asking about certificates[?] from the servers. These prompts would otherwise hang the build. The script is distribution independent.

3. install: gluex_install.sh

Creates a directory, "gluex", in the current working directory for the build, sets up an environment (bash shell is assumed), downloads all source files, and builds all libraries and executables needed to run GlueX software. The install assumes a directory structure that accomodates multiple versions of the GlueX packages if they are needed later. The script is distribution independent.

A tar file with these scripts is available at https://halldweb1.jlab.org/dist/gluex_install.tar

After the build is complete, there is a file gluex/setup.sh that can be used to set-up the complete GlueX environment (under bash).

  1. The definition of minimal depend on the installation. In all cases, the distribution was tested by first installing from a DVD or CD iso image. Typically, the "live CD" version was chosen.