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== Production ==
== Production ==
- Dave: Casey working on the last wire frame
- Dave: working on the last wire frame, Casey finished wire gluing. Chris will put elements on a wire frame tomorrow. Also two wire planes will be deadened tomorrow/Monday.
Cathode #47 (type-2) had a problem on strip #1: there is a small bump of epoxy on the trace leading to the connector; it was put there before to fix small deformation of the Kapton foil. Since the bump was very close to the O-ring and solid g10 surfaces we were afraid that it may create gas leakage. After trying to remove part of the epoxy we damaged the copper trace. At this point we decided to put another cathode in the fourth package. Later the trace was fixed by applying conductive epoxy (3-4 Ohms strip to connector resistance) but we decided to use this cathode as a spare and make another cathode for the fourth package (#55) which will be ready by Wednesday-Thursday. Also by that time we will have all the wire frames ready to finish the fourth package.
- Third package was removed from the assembly fixture and put aside on a table. For that all the metal pins had to be removed, then the package was turned upside down to insert the new pins and hubs. We connected the package to the gas to check the tightness: it was as good as it before this operation.
- Three cells were installed on the fourth package at the end of the last week. Vlad reported on the tests: oxygen went down to 77ppm, all channels were tested with scope/source and are working fine.  
- Today before the meeting we installed the first cell of the fourth package, and after the meeting we installed the second one. The plan is to put also the third cell tomorrow and close the package for flushing and testing. If everything goes smoothly we expect to be ready with the last three cells and install them in the week of June 11-15.  
- We started testing the first production wire frames that will be used as spares; all they had some kind of problem. We put the very first (that was submerged in water long time ago) between Lexan sheets and after one day flushing with gas, applied HV. We were able to reach 1500/-500V (to be compared with few hundred volts we could put before) but at this voltage the current started increasing with the time. We decided to stop with the tests, remove all the HV caps and test it again without caps. In case we still have problems then we have to consider making a new wire frame, but we don't have spare PCBs. Chris will look in the old PRs and also will ask the company for an estimate for 4 or 8 PCB sets (each 6 boards), as Bill suggested just to have more spares. For these PCBs we don't want them to put the HV caps.
== Engineering update ==  
== Engineering update ==  

Revision as of 17:44, 7 June 2012

June 7, 2012 FDC meeting


  1. Swiss schnaps (Beni)
  2. Production Construction Tracking (Dave)
    • Production status
    • Fourth package tests (Vlad)
  3. Engineering update (Bill)
  4. Electronics update (Chris)
  5. Gas system (Beni)
  6. Test set-up in 126 FDC E-log (Beni)
  7. Other