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Revision as of 08:58, 13 December 2006

FDC Weekly Meeting

Date: October 18, 2006

Participants: Daniel, Brian, Simon

Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 @ 1:30 p.m.

1). Chris Cuevas has arranged for someone in the Accelerator Group

   to do the circuit board design for the FDC wire planes.  Chris
   will act as the coordinator.

2). The FDC mechanical drawings from Brian are nearing completion.

   They should be ready by the end of next week.  This will include
   instructions for the CAD layout.

3). The small-scale prototype cathodes have a Cu thickness of 1/7 oz.

   Simon will check with Fernando and Gerard if this is expected to
   be a problem.

4). The 49 in x 49 in Rohacell sheets are in. We talked about

   construction of the two different cathode sandwiches by the
   end of this year.  Brian thinks that this is possible (but
   tight).  This should include some way to measure their flatness.
   We want to make a design decision by the end of this year.

Minutes prepared by Daniel. Send any comments or corrections along.