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== Production ==
== Production ==
- Dave: wire frame #5 is ready and now working on #6: it was strung yesterday by Casey and Al in 3-4 hours (record). Then the wires were taped and now doing position measurements.
- Dave: wire frame #6 is out of the stringing table and now working on #7: it was strung yesterday by Casey and Al in ~4 hours (record). Then the wires were taped and now doing position measurements. Aanatoly finished replacing the caps on frame #7. Cathodes: Tina and Mike tensioned type-1 cathode from set#7 and put the daughter cards on type-2 from set#6. Anatoly finished testing all the 80 foil sets. Wire frame #6 will be populated by Chris tomorrow and then (possibly on Monday) the central wires will be deadened. 
- HV cap problem (see pictures linked above). Everybody was surprised by the size and the abundance of the solder balls: 1-2mm (compared to the gap of 4.5mm between the pads) under more than 50% of the caps. Based on this observation, a decision was made on Monday to re-solder all the capacitors on the newly built wire planes. The above statistics applies for the two wire frames that were re-soldered by Anatoly so far. The leakage current after re-soldering went down to several nA for the whole frame. Not all the boards are like these: when we started testing the capacitors a month ago, Anatoly re-soldered the capacitors on another board, but we didn't see such solder balls there.  
- In the construction tracking at the second page there's table about the wire frames explaining differences in the material/procedures used: Epon or Epo-lite, with or without Humi-seal, capacitors replaced/not replaced, and whether the wires were deadened. Starting from frame #6 and up (6 is the consecutive number, not the frame number that is labeled) on all the frames the caps were/will be replaced without Humi-seal and Epon was/will be used instead of Epo-lite. If we exclude the first four wire planes as spares, there's only one (#5) production frame on which the caps were not replaced, but still Epon was used. We discussed if we want to replace the caps on all the frames and how, or if we just want to build new wire frames using the latest technology. Bill: we need to replace the old caps everywhere. However it will be very difficult, time consuming and risky: one easily damage wires especially on the frames with Humi-seal on the caps.  
After some discussions we agreed that it is worth informing the company. Chris will take care of the communications with them. Eugene: probably it's not worth pursuing this problem legally, but suggested to consult with the procurement.
Eugene: it might be better  just to make new wire frames, but it has to be evaluated. Lubomir will collect more information for the next meeting what needs to be purchased to produce extra wire frames.  
- HV caps problem: Chris
- We will spend some time tomorrow preparing for the hurricane. The main problem we expect is the lack of electricity. Therefore, no gluing will be done tomorrow. Bill suggested to cover all the frames that are outside with vacuum bagging material.  
- We will spend some time tomorrow preparing for the hurricane. The main problem we expect is the lack of electricity. Therefore, no gluing will be done tomorrow. Bill suggested to cover all the frames that are outside with vacuum bagging material.  

Revision as of 16:20, 1 September 2011

September 1, 2011 FDC meeting


  1. Production Construction Tracking (Dave)
    • Status
    • Package configurations
    • First package tests (Lubomir)
  2. Engineering update (Bill)
  3. Electronics update (Chris)
  4. Chamber testing at EEL126 (cell#2) (Beni, Lubomir)
  5. Other