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(Theses in 2020)
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* Nilanga Wickramaarachchi, <b>Ph.D. Thesis</b>, Old Dominion University, Supervisor: Moskov Amaryan, [https://halldweb.jlab.org/doc-private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4429 Measurement of the Photon Beam Asymmetry in &gamma;p &rarr;K<sup>+</sup>&Sigma;<sup>0</sup> at E<sub>&gamma;</sub>=8.5 GeV with GlueX], 2020.
* Nilanga Wickramaarachchi, <b>Ph.D. Thesis</b>, Old Dominion University, Supervisor: Moskov Amaryan, [https://halldweb.jlab.org/doc-private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4429 Measurement of the Photon Beam Asymmetry in &gamma;p &rarr;K<sup>+</sup>&Sigma;<sup>0</sup> at E<sub>&gamma;</sub>=8.5 GeV with GlueX], 2020.
* Peter Pauli, <b>Ph.D. Thesis</b>, University of Glasgow, Supervisor: Dave Ireland/Ken Livingston, [https://halldweb.jlab.org/doc-private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4628 &Lambda;(1520) Measurements at the GlueX Experiment], 2020.
* Peter Pauli, <b>Ph.D. Thesis</b>, University of Glasgow, Supervisor: Dave Ireland/Ken Livingston, [https://halldweb.jlab.org/doc-private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4628 &Lambda;(1520) Measurements at the GlueX Experiment], 2020.
* Mahmoud Kamel, <b>Ph.D. Thesis</b>, Florida International University, Supervisor: Werner Boeglin, [https://halldweb.jlab.org/doc-private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4831 Photo-production of Eta Mesons], 2020.
=== Theses in 2019 ===
=== Theses in 2019 ===

Revision as of 22:55, 4 January 2021


GlueX Publication Policies

Papers Under Review

Physics Publications

Instrumentation Publications

Conference Proceedings

Theses (more recent first)

Please include the name of the student, the student's institution, the name of the advisor, the title of the thesis and the year the thesis came out. Also provide a link to the thesis on DocDb. All results found in Ph.D. theses should not be considered as approved GlueX results and considered as preliminary.

Theses in 2020

Theses in 2019

Theses in 2018

Theses in 2017

Theses in 2016

Theses in 2013

Theses in 2012

Theses in 2011

Theses in 2010

Theses in 2006
