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|[[Image:cdc_e8e9e10.png|thumb|x350px|Boards E8, E9, E10]]
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|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_amp.png|thumb|x250px|Boards E8, E9, E10, max amp histo, threshold 5]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_dt.png|thumb|x250px|Boards E8, E9, E10, drift time, threshold 5]]
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_amp_thr6.png|thumb|x250px|Boards E8, E9, E10, max amp histo, threshold 6#sigma]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_dt_thr6.png|thumb|x250px|Boards E8, E9, E10, drift time, threshold 6]]
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_dtfit_thr6.png|thumb|x250px|Boards E8, E9, E10, drift time fit, threshold 6]]
Drift time fit
Estimate of t0 is 850.09 and tmax is 1464.19, difference is 614.10
Straight-line intercept is 834.51, to match histogram fit t0, use tz_add 15.58
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_dt_ch_thr5.png|thumb|x250px|Drift time vs channel number, threshold 5#sigma]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_dt_ch_amp180.png|thumb|x250px|Drift time vs channel number, threshold 5#sigma and amplitude>180]]
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_hitsofftrack.png|thumb|x250px|Number of hits which were not on the fitted track]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_hitsofftrack_vs_multi.png|thumb|x250px|Off-track hits vs total hits]]
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|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_track23.png|thumb|x350px|Event 23, 4 hits off-track]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_track253.png|thumb|x350px|Event 253, 48 hits off-track]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_track1037.png|thumb|x350px|Event 1037, 21 hits off-track]]
Resolutions using tz=16 and Garfield for 2100V, 51Ar, 49CO2
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_noshower.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution, ALL CHANNELS, violet=total hits<24, dk blue: 5 or less hits off track ]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_res_ch.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution vs channel number]]
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_resE9.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution, E9 board channels, <5 hits off track]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_resxE9.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution vs driftradius]]
Different scint orientations
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_maxamp_overlay.png|thumb|x250px|Boards E8, E9, E10, big scintillators, across CDC, upstream end]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32268_maxamp_overlay.png|thumb|x250px|Boards E8, E9, E10, big scintillators, across CDC, downstream end]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32269_maxamp_overlay.png|thumb|x250px|Boards E8, E9, E10, big scintillators, along CDC]]
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32269_thr5_maxampfit.png|thumb|x250px|Boards E8, E9, E10, big scintillators, along CDC, fit to thr5 data]]
Drift time fits, hit threshold 5#sigma
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_thr5_dtfit.png|thumb|x250px|big scintillators, across CDC, upstream end]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32268_thr5_dtfit.png|thumb|x250px|big scintillators, across CDC, downstream end]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32269_thr5_dtfit.png|thumb|x250px|big scintillators, along CDC]]
Hit threshold 6#sigma
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_thr6_dtfit.png|thumb|x250px|big scintillators, across CDC, upstream end]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32268_thr6_dtfit.png|thumb|x250px|big scintillators, across CDC, downstream end]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32269_thr6_dtfit.png|thumb|x250px|big scintillators, along CDC]]
Hit threshold 6#sigma
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_dt72.png|thumb|x250px|big scintillators, along CDC, HV grounded to endplate (not HVBs)]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32293_dt72.png|thumb|x250px|big scintillators, along CDC, added shielding to + HV cables]]
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_dt_ch.png|thumb|x250px|drift time for each channel]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_dt_chz.png|thumb|x250px|drift times]]
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|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_dt_34_35.png|thumb|x250px|drift time for channels 34, 35]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_maxamp_34_35.png|thumb|x250px|max amplitude for channels 34, 35]]
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_sig34_35.png|thumb|x250px|pedestal width for channels 34, 35]]
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|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_maxampdt34.png|thumb|x250px|max amplitude vs drift time for channel 34]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_maxampdt35.png|thumb|x250px|max amplitude vs drift time for channel 35]]
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_dt_dt34.png|thumb|x250px|drift times with ch 34 nonzero]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_dt_dt34high.png|thumb|x250px|drift times with ch 34 drift time > 1500]]
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|[[Image:run_32292_trks34_800up.png|thumb|x500px|tracks with ch 34 drift time > 800]]
|[[Image:run_32292_trks34_1500up.png|thumb|x500px|tracks with ch 34 drift time > 1550]]
|[[Image:run_32292_trks34_1500up_z.png|thumb|x500px|close-up of tracks with ch 34 drift time > 1550]]
{| border="1px" cellpadding="2" style="border-style:solid;"
|+ Drift times (ns) from Garfield for 2110V, 50/50 gas mix, different tube radii
!8mm (2.1kV)
!9mm (2.1kV)
!10mm (2.1kV)
| 6mm || 381 || 387 || 394
| 7mm || 527 || 535 || 544
| 7.5mm || 608 || 618 || 628
| 7.8mm || 660 || 670 || 681
| 8mm ||  || 706 || 717
| 8.5mm ||  || 800 || 813
| 9mm ||  ||  || 914
| 9.5mm ||  || || 1020
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|+Tracks for other straws with drift times>1550ns, searched 50k events for straws 36 and 38, 5k for the rest
|[[Image:run_32292_trks17_1550up.png|thumb|x500px|ch 17 drift time > 1550]]
|[[Image:run_32292_trks22_1550up.png|thumb|x500px|ch 22 drift time > 1550]]
|[[Image:run_32292_trks23_1550up.png|thumb|x500px|ch 23 drift time > 1550]]
|[[Image:run_32292_trks36_1550up.png|thumb|x500px|ch 36 drift time > 1550]]
|[[Image:run_32292_trks38_1550up.png|thumb|x500px|ch 38 drift time > 1550]]
|[[Image:run_32292_trks39_1550up.png|thumb|x500px|ch 39 drift time > 1550]]
|[[Image:run_32292_trks40_1550up.png|thumb|x500px|ch 40 drift time > 1550]]
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:run_32292_trks39_1550up_z.png|thumb|x500px|close-up of tracks with ch 39 drift time > 1550]]
|[[Image:run_32292_trks39_1550up.png|thumb|x500px|ch 39 drift time > 1550]]
|[[Image:run_32292_trks39_800up_z.png|thumb|x500px|close-up of tracks with ch 39 drift time > 800]]
{|border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:run_32292_trks37_800up.png|thumb|x500px|ch 37 drift time > 800]]
|[[Image:run_32292_trks37_800up_z.png|thumb|x500px|close-up of tracks with ch 37 drift time > 800]]
{|border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:run_32292_res_ch.png|thumb|x250px|resolution for each channel]]
Drift time fit, ch 30, hit threshold 6#sigma
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|[[Image:run_32292_dt30.png|thumb|x250px|ch 30]]
Resolution for ch30, hit threshold 6#sigma
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|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5050_tz16_tfix1000_resx30.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution vs drift radius ch30, >80% hits on track]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5050_tz16_tfix1000_res30.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution ch30, >80% hits on track]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5050_tz16_tfix1000_res30_5mm.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution ch30, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track]]
Resolution for ch30, hit threshold 6#sigma, Garfield tables for 51% Ar, 49% CO2
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_resx30.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution vs drift radius ch30, >80% hits on track]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_res30.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution ch30, >80% hits on track]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_res30_5mm.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution ch30, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track]]
x and y resolution for ch34, driftradius>5mm, hit threshold 6#sigma, Garfield tables for 51% Ar, 49% CO2
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_res34_5mm.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_rx34_5mm.png|thumb|x250px|X resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_ry34_5mm.png|thumb|x250px|Y resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track]]
same again after moving tabled position of wire 34 from x,y to x-180um,y
{| border="0" cellpadding="2"
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_res34_5mm_w.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track, x34-180um]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_rx34_5mm_w.png|thumb|x250px|X resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track, x34-180um]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_ry34_5mm_w.png|thumb|x250px|Y resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track, x34-180um]]
Wire 34 in its improved tabled position
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|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_amp.png|thumb|x150px|Boards E8, E9, E10, max amp histo, threshold 5]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_rad8mm_resx34.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution vs drift radius ch34, >80% hits on track, 8mm Garfield r]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_dt.png|thumb|x150px|Boards E8, E9, E10, drift time, threshold 5]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_rad8mm_res34.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution ch34, >80% hits on track, 8mm Garfield r]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_rad8mm_res34_5mm.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track, 8mm Garfield r]]
Assumed straw radius of 10mm (not real 8mm) for Garfield x-t tables
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|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_amp_thr6.png|thumb|x150px|Boards E8, E9, E10, max amp histo, threshold 6#sigma]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_rad10mm_resx34.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution vs drift radius ch34, >80% hits on track, 10mm Garfield r]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32235_dt_thr6.png|thumb|x150px|Boards E8, E9, E10, drift time, threshold 6]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_rad10mm_res34.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution ch34, >80% hits on track, 10mm Garfield r]]
|[[Image:cdc_run_32292_5149_tz16_tfix1000_rad10mm_res34_5mm.png|thumb|x250px|Resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track, 10mm Garfield r]]

Latest revision as of 09:31, 18 March 2014

Boards E8, E9, E10
Boards E8, E9, E10, max amp histo, threshold 5
Boards E8, E9, E10, drift time, threshold 5
Boards E8, E9, E10, max amp histo, threshold 6#sigma
Boards E8, E9, E10, drift time, threshold 6
Boards E8, E9, E10, drift time fit, threshold 6

Drift time fit Estimate of t0 is 850.09 and tmax is 1464.19, difference is 614.10 Straight-line intercept is 834.51, to match histogram fit t0, use tz_add 15.58

Drift time vs channel number, threshold 5#sigma
Drift time vs channel number, threshold 5#sigma and amplitude>180

Number of hits which were not on the fitted track
Off-track hits vs total hits
Event 23, 4 hits off-track
Event 253, 48 hits off-track
Event 1037, 21 hits off-track

Resolutions using tz=16 and Garfield for 2100V, 51Ar, 49CO2

Resolution, ALL CHANNELS, violet=total hits<24, dk blue: 5 or less hits off track
Resolution vs channel number
Resolution, E9 board channels, <5 hits off track
Resolution vs driftradius

Different scint orientations

Boards E8, E9, E10, big scintillators, across CDC, upstream end
Boards E8, E9, E10, big scintillators, across CDC, downstream end
Boards E8, E9, E10, big scintillators, along CDC
Boards E8, E9, E10, big scintillators, along CDC, fit to thr5 data

Drift time fits, hit threshold 5#sigma

big scintillators, across CDC, upstream end
big scintillators, across CDC, downstream end
big scintillators, along CDC

Hit threshold 6#sigma

big scintillators, across CDC, upstream end
big scintillators, across CDC, downstream end
big scintillators, along CDC

Hit threshold 6#sigma

big scintillators, along CDC, HV grounded to endplate (not HVBs)
big scintillators, along CDC, added shielding to + HV cables

drift time for each channel
drift times

drift time for channels 34, 35
max amplitude for channels 34, 35

pedestal width for channels 34, 35

max amplitude vs drift time for channel 34
max amplitude vs drift time for channel 35

drift times with ch 34 nonzero
drift times with ch 34 drift time > 1500
tracks with ch 34 drift time > 800
tracks with ch 34 drift time > 1550
close-up of tracks with ch 34 drift time > 1550

Drift times (ns) from Garfield for 2110V, 50/50 gas mix, different tube radii
-dist(mm) 8mm (2.1kV) 9mm (2.1kV) 10mm (2.1kV)
6mm 381 387 394
7mm 527 535 544
7.5mm 608 618 628
7.8mm 660 670 681
8mm 706 717
8.5mm 800 813
9mm 914
9.5mm 1020
Tracks for other straws with drift times>1550ns, searched 50k events for straws 36 and 38, 5k for the rest
ch 17 drift time > 1550
ch 22 drift time > 1550
ch 23 drift time > 1550
ch 36 drift time > 1550
ch 38 drift time > 1550
ch 39 drift time > 1550
ch 40 drift time > 1550

close-up of tracks with ch 39 drift time > 1550
ch 39 drift time > 1550
close-up of tracks with ch 39 drift time > 800

ch 37 drift time > 800
close-up of tracks with ch 37 drift time > 800

resolution for each channel

Drift time fit, ch 30, hit threshold 6#sigma

ch 30

Resolution for ch30, hit threshold 6#sigma

Resolution vs drift radius ch30, >80% hits on track
Resolution ch30, >80% hits on track
Resolution ch30, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track

Resolution for ch30, hit threshold 6#sigma, Garfield tables for 51% Ar, 49% CO2

Resolution vs drift radius ch30, >80% hits on track
Resolution ch30, >80% hits on track
Resolution ch30, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track

x and y resolution for ch34, driftradius>5mm, hit threshold 6#sigma, Garfield tables for 51% Ar, 49% CO2

Resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track
X resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track
Y resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track

same again after moving tabled position of wire 34 from x,y to x-180um,y

Resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track, x34-180um
X resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track, x34-180um
Y resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track, x34-180um

Wire 34 in its improved tabled position

Resolution vs drift radius ch34, >80% hits on track, 8mm Garfield r
Resolution ch34, >80% hits on track, 8mm Garfield r
Resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track, 8mm Garfield r

Assumed straw radius of 10mm (not real 8mm) for Garfield x-t tables

Resolution vs drift radius ch34, >80% hits on track, 10mm Garfield r
Resolution ch34, >80% hits on track, 10mm Garfield r
Resolution ch34, drift radius > 5mm, >80% hits on track, 10mm Garfield r