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#* Possible procedure changes
#* Possible procedure changes
# Conductive tape technology
# Conductive tape technology
#* Test results [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/conductive_tape], [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/cond_tape/res2d.pdf ball counting hist.#1], [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/cond_tape/res2dlogyplot.pdf ball counting hist.#2], [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/cond_tape/resprof.pdf ball counting hist.#3]
#* Test results [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/conductive_tape], [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/cond_tape/res2d.pdf ball counting hist.#1], [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/cond_tape/res2dlogyplot.pdf ball counting hist.#2], [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/cond_tape/resprof.pdf ball counting hist.#3], [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/cond_tape/bigplot.pdf big ball distribution], [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/cond_tape/smallplot.pdf small balls distribution], [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/cond_tape/bigsmallplot.pdf big+small balls distribution]
#* Procedure changes
#* Procedure changes
# Engineering (Bill)
# Engineering (Bill)
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# [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/general/tdr.pdf TDR, pages 132-145] (Lubomir)
# [http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/detector/fdc/general/tdr.pdf TDR, pages 132-145] (Lubomir)
# Other
# Other
= Minutes =
= Minutes =
Participants: Bill, Dave, Chris, Nick, Vlad, Eugene, and Lubomir
Participants: Eugene, Bill, Dave, Simon, Vlad, Beni, and Lubomir
== Cathode production ==
- Dave: working on 8 new cathodes to be used in the second package. The bottleneck is the card gluing since we have not decided if we want to change the procedures.
== Cathode corrosion ==
== Cathode corrosion ==
- Lubomir: a test with cathode foils, Viton/EPDM O-rings and water was done (at Blue Crab dirty area). First, the O-ring samples were pressed against the foils with a lead brick, also using G10 and aluminum plates to equalize the pressure. After a couple of days, water (from the tab) was put on the samples. Corrosion appeared immediately on the next day: very well pronounced on the EPDM sample and resembling the same dark traces that we had on the cathodes of the first and second packages (see first picture above), also some corrosion but with lighter color on the Viton sample. Olga did SEM analyses on the two sample foils at the places of the O-rings: second link above. Generally, the experiment was not done in a clean environment and tab water was used, so you see a lot of dirty  stuff like chlorine. At the same time sulfur is visible in almost all the areas of the EPDM sample, while for the Viton sample sulfur is present in much smaller areas visible with high magnification. We started the same experiment inside the clean room using distilled water; expect results next week.
- Lubomir about the SEM results: On the wire samples some small crystals (~3um) are seen containing sulfur, Olga counted about 25 of these on 2cm wire length; too small quantity to account for the copper damage on the cathodes. On the EPDM surface - no conductivity and very low yield from the microscope - still one sees some sulfur on the used EPDM, but much less or nothing on the virgin EPDM and on the prototype EPDM. Dave will check if the virgin and used EPDMs are from the same batch.
- Results from the vacuum chamber (Vlad's) experiment: it was running from last Thursday (end of the day) till Monday morning, pictures linked above. One clearly sees damages on the EPDM sample, just a little on the Viton one and no damages are seen on the Viton+grease sample. The samples are now with Olga and will have SEM results next week. Bill proposed to make another sample with Viton+grease with curving shape to have more potentially damaged area and then measure if the resistance has changed. Vlad will check the resistance of the samples that we have now. On Tuesday we started the same test except there's no water inside the gas volume.  
- Three other test experiments are running. One with production cathodes and a wire frame that started more than two weeks ago. Second one with similar samples using the small-scale prototype, running since yesterday when we were able to fix the HV. The third one is the Vlad's experiment using the vacuum chamber (picture linked) with same samples (EPDM, Viton with/without Apiezon) with same gas, but no HV, with some water inside to create moisture, all this heated with a lamp (only during the day) up to 80degC. It started yesterday; we will open the chamber on Monday.
- As of now we see two solutions of the corrosion problem: using the technology that we used already for the third and fourth packages, i.e. Viton+grease, or in addition to that, covering big areas on the cathode including all the traces with Kapton glued with Hysol. Using Kapton foils doesn't seem to create leakage but we tested this on a flat Lexan sheet. We decided to use the standard technology for the second package, i.e. only Viton+grease. When we come to the first package (in about two-three month from now) we will discuss again the use of Kapton; there we may have to use it if we are going to re-use the cathodes from the former second package since some of the channels have to be fixed with conductive ink. Of course we will wait for the latest SEM results
before continuing with this procedure. Note that one once you chose one of the two options you can't use later the other one, like you can't use epoxy if the surface is greased.
== Production ==
== Conductive tape technology ==
- Dave: cathode #61 (type-3) that was supposed to be the first for package #2 showed a problem: the Mylar peeled off on the second day after gluing it. The surface is tacky. Bill will consult with the manufacturer of the Hysol epoxy and we will do several experiments to test it. The frame was re-used, Casey sanded it with #220 as he did for the frames that were converted to type-2 from type-1, but using different sanding tool. Tomorrow we will see if the surface will be still tacky and will re-sand it in the same way as for the converted frames.  
- Microscope pictures from the damaged cathodes (package one) on which we have removed the rigid-flex assemblies (or daughter cards) are linked. On the card contacts one can see the silver balls, on the foil contacts the conductive tape is visible with some balls inside and also on the copper pads (the cathode side). We found it is important to count the number of dents (craters) on the copper pads after removing the conductive tape with heating and cleaning the place. Vlad did this for one full cathode. First he measured the resistances on all the channels, then the cards were removed and then he did the counting by classifying the craters roughly as big and small (factor of 2-3 in diameter). The distributions of the big/small/sum of the two are Poissonian with a mean value of the sum of ~5. By correlating the conductance (1/R) with the number of the balls one can estimate roughly that a big ball has about 1.2 Ohm on average and a small - ~3 Ohms. Then some correlation is visible between the conductance and the weighted sum of the number of the balls (first three histograms, in linear, log-y scale and as a profile). There are of course errors in counting the balls, but in average for most of the cases the resistance can be explained by the number of the balls, i.e. statistically.  
- We discussed the change/instability of the resistance of the cathode contacts (present for several percents of the total number of channels). We measure the resistances every time we put a cathode in the stack. It is more prominent for the older cathodes and we are not sure if it is a results of some kind of aging, or simply due to more handling and deforming of the cathode frames. Vlad is looking if the bad channels are just statistical fluctuation. Looking with a microscope on the conductive tape he counted that we have ~76 silver balls per pad (2.5x0.5 mm^2), but only ~20 of them are big. Assuming Poisson distribution, in about few percents of the contacts one could expect a resistance that is twice bigger than the mean one. Vlad will do measurements of the resistance of the contacts on one (or more) cathode to see if it can be explained just statistically.  
- Another important result: all the first test samples using conductive tape technology were re-measured. On the first 8 cards all the channels showed resistance below 2 Ohms, and most of them being 0.6-1 Ohm. Among these ~half were with tinned card contacts, four were irradiated with ~1-10KRad, one was cooled with liquid Nitrogen. The last card (no special treatment) had many channels in the 10-100 Ohm region. When the samples were made we checked them with a testing card which tells you only that there's conductivity, we didn't measure the resistances. We suppose the last card was not glued correctly from the very beginning. These samples were made Feb-April 2011.  
- Most likely the z-axis conductive tape technology will be a concern for the coming few years, therefore we discussed the conventional way of soldering to the 2micron copper. Anatoly and Casey soldered two connectors successfully, the question is what is the yield. Bill: according to Mark one has to control the heat on the copper very well, he has seen melting the copper. Another important question is, what if for example one has to replace a broken connector on the daughter-card. Unlike with the conductive tape technology, un-soldering the rigid-flex is not possible. Anatoly tried it; the only way one can do it is by cutting the flex channel by channel but then there's a good chance to cut part of the copper traces. Eugene: can we replace the connector while the daughter card is on the cathode. Chris and Dave will try to test if that's possible. Certainly these discussions will continue.
- We conclude: most likely the variations in the resistances we observe on the production cathodes are due to mechanical deformation of the cathode frames. The samples were made on small g10 plates and when handling them you don't have the leverage to deform them. The cathode deformations, both pringling and radial deformation may cause curvature at the contacts which can move the balls from their position.  
- Cathode #2 (type-3), one of the first cathodes, showed high resistance on some of the channels in two connectors, in total 8-10 channels, that could not be fixed. We decided to try to fix these channels by soldering a wire between the top of the flex pad and the copper trace just outside of the spacer ring (we have about 3mm trace there), as Anatoly suggested. Anatoly and Chris will give it a try.
- We discussed if (1) we are going to continue with the same conductive tape technology but making sure the cathode doesn't deform after the cards are glued to the cathode, or (2) we use conventional soldering or a new technology for bonding the contacts. After long discussions we decided to go with (1). Bill: not comfortable with the current procedure (actually nobody is), but making sure the cathodes don't move should help. Eugene: this question had to be discussed five years ago, now we should continue with the conductive tape technology, even if it turns out say 10 channels are not working it will not be a problem. The main argument to use the conductive tape is that you can repair it (Simon) or fix several channels using wires (Anatoly demonstrated that's possible). On the other hand, once the cards are soldered you can't re-solder them, although fixing some components on the cards is also possible. New technologies, cathode designs (Bill) were discussed but all these require at least a lot of R&D, followed by complete refurbishment of the cathodes and we are not in a position to do this now.
- We decided to continue with the above tests and postpone for one more week the installation of the second package. We are flushing the third and the fourth packages (in parallel) with nitrogen since last Friday when we got a dewar.  
== Engineering ==
== Engineering ==
- Bill will work on designing a tool for the cathodes to keep them flat during the installation. He made one some time ago that works with vacuum, but it can be used only at one side of the cathode.  
- Discussions how to make sure the cathode stays flat during all the operations after installing the conductive tapes, which includes: gluing the cards to the back of the cathode frame, moving the cathode from one place to another, storing the cathodes, cathode installation in the package, colling tube installation, testing the cathode channels, connecting the cables to the cards.  
== Electronics ==
- After the meeting Bill, Dave, Lubomir and Casey discussed these issues at Blue Crab. Bill will make two strong-backs (lifting frames) with suction caps (use vacuum), to be used on the foil or the back side of the cathode for transportation. Casey will work on a table with rods to store the cathodes in flat position. Same clips that are used for grounding will be put on both sides of the cards  attaching them to the wire frame, which will prevent radial deformation during tube installation, cabling and testing.
- Roger talked to Allflex, they will find out how much material we have there. Roger will ask for quotation but we have to decide for how many foil sets. Eugene proposed to have two options: 1) the minimum, which is 20 sets (if we are to replace all the cathodes from the first two packages, i.e. 24, and we have 14 spares we will need 10 more sets, plus 10 spares) or 2) 50 sets which close to the total material there.
- Bill: Mylar gluing problem we had recently is due to humidity. Several tests were done showing much better results when using lamps for heating. Bill suggested using lamps from now on the improve the curing process.
- According to Dave we can re-use a high percentage of the old daughter cards (rigid-flex assemblies), therefore we will ask for a quotation only for 20 cathodes, times 9 cards on each: ~200 cards.
== Electronics ==
- It turned out wrong Gerber files were used for the production of the extra 4 PCB sets ($9K). Eugene will discuss with the administration how to exclude such mistakes in the future; he suggested manufacturing another 4 PCB sets.
== TDR ==
== TDR ==
- Lubomir added few subsections in the TDR, we should have a preliminary version for the next meeting.
- Lubomir: the version linked above is almost complete; just sub-system section needs more work. Everybody is encouraged to make his remarks.corrections by the next meeting.
== Other ==
- Beni asked when the third package will be in 126 for testing. Need to install the grounds, all the parts are ready, Vlad will start working on that, then the cooling tubes have to be installed and finally Chris will do the HV connections - in about 2 weeks must be ready.

Latest revision as of 17:56, 17 August 2012

August 16, 2012 FDC meeting


  1. Cathode production Construction Tracking (Dave)
  2. Cathode corrosion
    • Status [1]
    • Possible procedure changes
  3. Conductive tape technology
  4. Engineering (Bill)
    • Cathode strong-back
    • Other: epoxy tests
  5. Electronics (Chris, Nick)
    • PCBs
  6. TDR, pages 132-145 (Lubomir)
  7. Other


Participants: Eugene, Bill, Dave, Simon, Vlad, Beni, and Lubomir

Cathode production

- Dave: working on 8 new cathodes to be used in the second package. The bottleneck is the card gluing since we have not decided if we want to change the procedures.

Cathode corrosion

- Lubomir about the SEM results: On the wire samples some small crystals (~3um) are seen containing sulfur, Olga counted about 25 of these on 2cm wire length; too small quantity to account for the copper damage on the cathodes. On the EPDM surface - no conductivity and very low yield from the microscope - still one sees some sulfur on the used EPDM, but much less or nothing on the virgin EPDM and on the prototype EPDM. Dave will check if the virgin and used EPDMs are from the same batch.

- Results from the vacuum chamber (Vlad's) experiment: it was running from last Thursday (end of the day) till Monday morning, pictures linked above. One clearly sees damages on the EPDM sample, just a little on the Viton one and no damages are seen on the Viton+grease sample. The samples are now with Olga and will have SEM results next week. Bill proposed to make another sample with Viton+grease with curving shape to have more potentially damaged area and then measure if the resistance has changed. Vlad will check the resistance of the samples that we have now. On Tuesday we started the same test except there's no water inside the gas volume.

- As of now we see two solutions of the corrosion problem: using the technology that we used already for the third and fourth packages, i.e. Viton+grease, or in addition to that, covering big areas on the cathode including all the traces with Kapton glued with Hysol. Using Kapton foils doesn't seem to create leakage but we tested this on a flat Lexan sheet. We decided to use the standard technology for the second package, i.e. only Viton+grease. When we come to the first package (in about two-three month from now) we will discuss again the use of Kapton; there we may have to use it if we are going to re-use the cathodes from the former second package since some of the channels have to be fixed with conductive ink. Of course we will wait for the latest SEM results before continuing with this procedure. Note that one once you chose one of the two options you can't use later the other one, like you can't use epoxy if the surface is greased.

Conductive tape technology

- Microscope pictures from the damaged cathodes (package one) on which we have removed the rigid-flex assemblies (or daughter cards) are linked. On the card contacts one can see the silver balls, on the foil contacts the conductive tape is visible with some balls inside and also on the copper pads (the cathode side). We found it is important to count the number of dents (craters) on the copper pads after removing the conductive tape with heating and cleaning the place. Vlad did this for one full cathode. First he measured the resistances on all the channels, then the cards were removed and then he did the counting by classifying the craters roughly as big and small (factor of 2-3 in diameter). The distributions of the big/small/sum of the two are Poissonian with a mean value of the sum of ~5. By correlating the conductance (1/R) with the number of the balls one can estimate roughly that a big ball has about 1.2 Ohm on average and a small - ~3 Ohms. Then some correlation is visible between the conductance and the weighted sum of the number of the balls (first three histograms, in linear, log-y scale and as a profile). There are of course errors in counting the balls, but in average for most of the cases the resistance can be explained by the number of the balls, i.e. statistically.

- Another important result: all the first test samples using conductive tape technology were re-measured. On the first 8 cards all the channels showed resistance below 2 Ohms, and most of them being 0.6-1 Ohm. Among these ~half were with tinned card contacts, four were irradiated with ~1-10KRad, one was cooled with liquid Nitrogen. The last card (no special treatment) had many channels in the 10-100 Ohm region. When the samples were made we checked them with a testing card which tells you only that there's conductivity, we didn't measure the resistances. We suppose the last card was not glued correctly from the very beginning. These samples were made Feb-April 2011.

- We conclude: most likely the variations in the resistances we observe on the production cathodes are due to mechanical deformation of the cathode frames. The samples were made on small g10 plates and when handling them you don't have the leverage to deform them. The cathode deformations, both pringling and radial deformation may cause curvature at the contacts which can move the balls from their position.

- We discussed if (1) we are going to continue with the same conductive tape technology but making sure the cathode doesn't deform after the cards are glued to the cathode, or (2) we use conventional soldering or a new technology for bonding the contacts. After long discussions we decided to go with (1). Bill: not comfortable with the current procedure (actually nobody is), but making sure the cathodes don't move should help. Eugene: this question had to be discussed five years ago, now we should continue with the conductive tape technology, even if it turns out say 10 channels are not working it will not be a problem. The main argument to use the conductive tape is that you can repair it (Simon) or fix several channels using wires (Anatoly demonstrated that's possible). On the other hand, once the cards are soldered you can't re-solder them, although fixing some components on the cards is also possible. New technologies, cathode designs (Bill) were discussed but all these require at least a lot of R&D, followed by complete refurbishment of the cathodes and we are not in a position to do this now.


- Discussions how to make sure the cathode stays flat during all the operations after installing the conductive tapes, which includes: gluing the cards to the back of the cathode frame, moving the cathode from one place to another, storing the cathodes, cathode installation in the package, colling tube installation, testing the cathode channels, connecting the cables to the cards.

- After the meeting Bill, Dave, Lubomir and Casey discussed these issues at Blue Crab. Bill will make two strong-backs (lifting frames) with suction caps (use vacuum), to be used on the foil or the back side of the cathode for transportation. Casey will work on a table with rods to store the cathodes in flat position. Same clips that are used for grounding will be put on both sides of the cards attaching them to the wire frame, which will prevent radial deformation during tube installation, cabling and testing.

- Bill: Mylar gluing problem we had recently is due to humidity. Several tests were done showing much better results when using lamps for heating. Bill suggested using lamps from now on the improve the curing process.


- It turned out wrong Gerber files were used for the production of the extra 4 PCB sets ($9K). Eugene will discuss with the administration how to exclude such mistakes in the future; he suggested manufacturing another 4 PCB sets.


- Lubomir: the version linked above is almost complete; just sub-system section needs more work. Everybody is encouraged to make his remarks.corrections by the next meeting.


- Beni asked when the third package will be in 126 for testing. Need to install the grounds, all the parts are ready, Vlad will start working on that, then the cooling tubes have to be installed and finally Chris will do the HV connections - in about 2 weeks must be ready.