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<iframe width="1080" height="10000" src="https://gryphn.phys.uconn.edu/halld/simsamples/" title="Results from sample simulations"></iframe>
<iframe width="1300" height="2350" src="https://gryphn.phys.uconn.edu/halld/simsamples/" title="Results from sample simulations"></iframe>

Latest revision as of 08:39, 18 April 2024

The purpose of this collection is to provide a central repository of reference simulation samples for a wide variety of particle types and momenta, chosen to cover the basic types of particles that are expected to show up in physics analyses. These data sets are intended to have sufficient kinematic coverage and statistics to answer whatever questions come up regarding particle detection efficiency, resolution, acceptance, and distributions of quality factors. All simulations are repeated three times, once with the hdgeant4 simulation, once with hdgeant using HADR=1 hadronic library option, once with hdgeant using the HADR=4 hadronic library. Comparisons between the results of these three simulation options are useful to explore dependencies on the results on implementation details within the simulations. Ultimately comparisons of these results with real data will be necessary, but that is beyond the scope of this collection, at least for the moment.

Results will be produced with the latest master branch of the simulation, smearing, and reconstruction codes, and the ccdb database. Results will also be generated and archived using standard releases of the simulation + reconstruction software. This will provide a historical record of the development of the simulation + reconstruction chain, which are expected to show continuous improvement as the data analysis effort moves forward. Archives will be preserved for a sufficient amount of time to allow look-back in case unexpected changes occur, including not only code development, but also calibration database updates that can affect the results. The results will be accessed from the public data server at UConn, supporting a variety of access protocols include http/https, gridftp (globus), and the native ROOT protocol xrootd. The web (https) and xrootd portals also allowing users to directly browse the archive of past results, which include the standard monitoring histograms that are already available for plotting directly from a ROOT session using the URLs indicated in the table below.