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(3. rsync through ssh tunnel)
(Install Singularity)
Line 6: Line 6:
  yum install singularity
  yum install singularity
Or on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install singularity
== Get the Container==
== Get the Container==

Revision as of 09:55, 7 May 2018

Install Singularity

See the instructions on the Singularity site.

Alternately, RedHat Enterprise 7 has an RPM:

yum install singularity

Or on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install singularity

Get the Container

Download gluex_centos7.img, the container.

Get the Software and Support Files

Use one of three methods.

1. tarball

  1. Download the tarball: group.halld.tar.gz. It's 18 GB.
  2. cd <directory that will contain "group">
  3. tar zxvf <directory containing tarball>/group_halld.tar.gz

2. rsync with direct ssh

rsync -ruvt --delete --links scosg16.jlab.org:/cvmfs/oasis.opensciencegrid.org/gluex/group/ <directory that contains "group">/group/

3. rsync through ssh tunnel

  1. Establish the tunnel
    ssh -t -L9001:localhost:9001 jogin.jlab.org ssh -t -L9001:localhost:22 scosg16
  2. In a separate shell instance, do the rsync
    rsync -ruvt --delete --links -e 'ssh -p9001' localhost:/cvmfs/oasis.opensciencegrid.org/gluex/group/ <directory that contains "group">/group/

Get a Shell Inside the Container

singularity shell --bind <directory that contains "group">/group/halld:/group/halld <directory with container>/gluex_centos7.img

Set-Up the GlueX Environment

source /group/halld/Software/build_scripts/gluex_env_jlab.sh